Chapter 22- Anthony to the Rescue... Again

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Anthony's POV

      I was walking down the street with Jazzy, Daveed, and Oak. "We should head back. Maybe they found her." Daveed shivered.

    "No. Lin would have called or texted. Plus we are getting close to a coffee shop. She could've gone in there and you are not wimping out because it's cold," Oak laughed as he said the last part. I wasn't really paying attention. I was looking around for Liv and checking my phone every five seconds waiting for a text to saying someone found her and she's okay.

     "Anthony calm down. We are going to find her," Jazzy hugged me as she said this. "She probably just went for a walk to clear her head. She could be at one of her friends houses." She tried to assure when we heard crying from an alley. I ran to it and saw Liv on the ground curled up into a ball. She was shivering and looked like she was beat up pretty badly.

   "Daveed call Lin! I found her!" I moved Olivia into my lap. I nudged her trying to get her to wake up. She started coughing.

    "Don't... Call... Lin..." She was coughing and crying. She already had bruises forming all over. "I... Don't... Want... To... See... Him..." She was slipping in and out of consciousness.

     "It's going to be okay. Just stay with me. Stay with us..." I was crying. I was so scared. I turned and yelled to the others, "get help!" I rocked Liv in my arms. Daveed ran over and helped me pick her up. We rushed her into the back of Oaks car. "

    "Where are we taking her? Lin's? Theater? Hospital?" Oak started the car. Jazzy and I were in the back trying to warm Liv up and trying to keep her semi conscious.

    "Theater. She doesn't want to see Lin but he needs to see her. Also we can all check up on her." I said still crying. Why do I always end up finding her hurt. I hate seeing her this hurt. It's that day behind the school all over again. I hope she will be able to trust us and not shut us out. I'm so scared.

     We pulled up to the theater. Oak and Daveed picked Olivia up and rushed her inside. We took her inside and laid her down in a dressing room that she has kinda claimed as hers. I could hear Lin yelling from the halls, "where is she? Where is Liv!" He ran in, Vanessa not far behind him.

     "Calm down Lin! She's in here. Just be quiet. She's pretty hurt," I whisper shouted. I highly respect Lin, but when he gets in his over protective parent mode he gets on my nerves. Jazzy walked to my side and hugged me. I was as stressed as Lin. We all were.

     "We found her in an alley. She was curled up in a little ball shivering. She was slipping in and out of consciousness," Vanessa hugged Lin's arm trying to stop him from running over to Liv's side. "Lin I hate to ask but... What did you say to get her so upset. She didn't want us to help because she didn't want us to bring her to you. What did you say? We only want to know because we want to help." Lin started getting frustrated again.

    "She told me she was bi and I blew up in her face!" Lin exploded. "I didn't mean to get her upset! I really do support he being bi it's just... I don't want her to get hurt..." he broke down into tears.

    "Lin, I'm so sorry." I got up off of the bed and hugged him. "There is something you should see." I handed him Liv's phone. It was the callback list for her school's spring musical. "They're doing Hamilton and she got called back for almost every major part she can play. She has a pretty good shot in getting casted." I smiled at Lin who was crying happy tears. We all decided we were going to get through this together. Lin and Vanessa went home to get some rest and to spend time with Sebastian. Jazzy, Oak, Daveed, Leslie, and I all stayed at the theater together. We didn't all have to stay, but none of wanted to leave. We made everyone else leave because they were out searching longer than us and needed the most sleep.

    I curled up with jazzy on a sleeping bag by Liz's bed. Oak and Daveed slept in their dressing room. Leslie slept right next to Olivia. He refused to leave her side. He said her wanted to make sure she was warm and comfortable, but I knew it was so he knew that she was okay. We all fell asleep while singing to Olivia to make sure she sleeps through the night. 

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