Chapter 20- Why?

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Lin's POV

    "Liv! Wait! I'm sorry!" I called after her, but she already ran out of the theater. I slammed my door in anger. I plopped on my couch. I totally messed up on. I heard someone knock on the door. "Go away!" I started crying. I didn't want anyone in the cast.

    "Lin let me in," I heard a voice say. I wasn't listening. "Lin I'm coming in like it or not." I heard the door open. When I looked up I saw a concerned Leslie. "What's wrong Lin? Why did Liv run out of the theater?" What he said made me break down into more tears. He walked over to the couch and sat next to me.

   "Liv told me she was bi. I don't know why but I got frustrated. I yelled at her for being herself. I am so happy she trusted me enough to tell me. I've been just under so much pressure with the show and making sure she takes her meds and getting her to her appointments... I don't want her to get hurt..." I kept crying. Leslie hugged me. "I respect her decision. She's my baby girl. I saw the way she was looking at that boy and the way she was looking at Emily. I don't know what to do."

   He pulled out of the hug. "You should get changed and we'll go looking for her. She shouldn't be alone. I'll get the others and tell them what happened," he put a hand on my shoulder. "We will find her."

    I got up about to start changing when I turned to Leslie, "don't tell them about Liv being bi. I don't want them to hear about it from anyone other than Liv. She will tell the others when she's ready." He nodded and walked out closing my door. I changed as fast as I could. I'm going to find you Liv and never lose you again. I hope I'm not to late.

(A/N: I know this was a short chapter but this chapter was to answer some questions about why Lin reacted the way he did. I hope you like it! Still can't believe how many views I have gotten! Thank you!) 

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