Chapter 11- Anthony to the Rescue

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Anthony's POV

    I pulled up to Liv's school just like Lin told me to do. Of course I admit I was a little late and got lost. I looked out of my window for Liv. I didn't see her. Maybe she was waiting inside. I texted her to let her know I was here.

To Olivia:

Hey Liv! I'm outside waiting for you.

I waited a few more minutes for a response. Nothing

To Olivia:

Hey are you meeting with a teacher. 

If so let me know.

I waited again. No response. I decided to text Lin.

To Lin:

Hey Lin. I'm at the school but Liv isn't here.

I've texted her but She's not answering.

From Lin:

That's not like her.

Call her. If she doesn't

answer let me know. I'll

try texting her.

     This isn't good. I try calling her. I get voicemail. "Hey Liv! It's Anthony. I'm calling because I'm here to pick you up and you're not here or answering my texts. Please call me when you get this." I hung up. I texted Lin again.

To Lin:

Nothing. What do I do now?

From Lin:

Walk around the

outside of the school.

She could be talking with friends.

    Oh I hope she's with friends right now. I go and park my car. I walk over to the school and look around. No sign of her. I don't see anything until I get to the back of the school. I see someone curled into a ball unconscious. I recognized the bright blue backpack immediately. "Liv!" I run over to her. She's covered in bruises and her glasses are bent crooked.

    I start freaking out. What do I do! My first instinct is to call Lin. Luckily he answers right away. "Hey Anthony.." I interrupt him before he can finish.

    "I found Liv unconscious behind the school! She's covered in bruises and her glasses are all bent. She's not responding to me. I don't know what to do!" By now I'm panicking. Lin finally trusts me with this and I screw up right away.

     "Calm down Anthony. That's the first step. I need you too look at her back. I'm giving you permission to pull up her shirt just a little bit. Tell me what you see." This is random but it's Lin so I do what he tells me.

    "It's really bruised. Especially around the spine. Lin what's going on?" I hear Lin cursing in spanish.

    "Bring her to the theater! I'm going to call Vanessa! You have to hurry!" He hangs up. I'm on my own now.

    I pick Liv up and hurry her to the car. I throw her backpack in the back and sit her in the front. I quickly get on the other side. I go as fast as I can to get to the theater. I arrive and see Lin freaking out in front of the stage door. I pull Liv out and rush her to Lin. "I brought her here as fast as I could! What's going on!"

   "I'll tell you inside," Lin runs inside and leads me to his dressing room. I lay her down on the couch in the dressing room. "Remember Olivia had those tests while she was in hospital? We turns out she has a small tear in her back from all the abuse she's received over the years." He goes into his bag and grabs a roll of what looks like duct tape and a container filled with gel. "This is supposed to help the bruising. Get the gel and start tubing it on her back. Hurry! This bad of bruising could make the tear worse!" I grab the container and start rubbing. Lin puts the tape on top of the gel. He sighs when the area on each side of her spine is covered with the tape.

   "Thank you Anthony. I don't know what I wouldn't have done without you," he hugs me even though both of our hands have the sticky gel on them.

    "No problem Lin," I pull out of the hug. "Just curious. What would have happened if I didn't get there in time?" I was scared that Lin would yell at me or just not respond.

    "The tear would grow and limit her ability to walk." He tears up. "That's why I started panicking. I didn't want her to go through anymore pain." I gave Lin another hug. This guy has been through enough. Olivia has been through enough.

    "Does she know about this?" Lin just sighed and shook his head.

    "We were going to tell her tonight over dinner." He started crying. I walk over and hugged him. I came up with an idea but I needed to get the rest of the cast involved. We are going to cheer Liv and Lin up. 

(A/N: Okay I know this chapter is pretty bad and it probably doesn't make any sense. I wrote it at 11 o'clock at night. Please tell me about any errors or if something doesn't make sense. Also shoutout to lavi0123 for helping me out with the past few chapters. You are awesome and help me so much! Don't know what I would do without you!❤️ Thanks for reading!)

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