20.What Happens When The Lights Go Out

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Everyone left after a while, except Neil, Janet(one of the cousins) she's about ten, Sara (another cousin) she's six, and Sam (cousin) he's fourteen.

"Okay Everyone come sit down!" Emily called. We all sat. "Alright this is what's going to happen we're going to play man hunt." We all nodded. "So go change into your pajamas and let's get started. Oh and Tyler and Henry are playing too." I then realized I don't have any jammies.

I whispered to Ashton, "What am I supposed to do? I don't have any pajamas."

"Wanna wear something of mine?"

I thought about it for a second. "If it fits."

"Okay I have some boxers you can wear if that's okay."

"Sounds good."

"I'll also let you borrow a t-shirt."

"Okay dokay."

We all went to change. I went with Ashton to his room. He started looking through his stuff, "Here" He threw a pair of blue boxers at me. Then he continued shuffling through stuff. "And here." He handed me a black shirt.

"Thank you."

I went into the bathroom to change. Is it weird to be wearing my boyfriend's boxers? I thought for a second as I slipped them on. No. I don't think it is.

I put on the black shirt and I could immediately smell him. He smells good. Also I was so much more comfortable than in skinny jeans and a tight shirt. I put my hair up in a bun.

I grabbed my clothes and walked back into Ashton's room. Bad timing! He wasn't fully dressed yet. He had boxers and no shirt on.

I quickly turned around and blushed. "Sorry!"

I just heard him chuckle. "Why?"

"I didn't knock first."

"So? I don't mind. And might I add, my boxers look particularly flattering on you."

"Are you trying to make me redder?"

"Yes actually."

"Damn you."

He laughed. You can look now, I have a shirt on. I turned around and he was just smiling at me.



"Jerk." I set my clothes down. "Now come on, Emily will be wondering where we are." I grabbed his hand and we ran downstairs.

Everyone was on the couches and ground. "Hey look who cared to join us!" Neil said laughing.

We sat down and listened as Emily told the rules. "Okay we're going to be split into two teams. One team has to hide and the other has to look for all of them. When someone gets caught they go to jail which can be anywhere that the team that's searching chooses. You can break out the people in jail by someone who's on the hiding team coming and tagging them all, but if you get caught you're in jail. The game ends when everyone is found. Also you can't just be found you have to be tagged to go to jail. So let's split up the teams!"

"How about girls versus boys?" I offered.

"Perfect! But there's one extra boy."

"I'll be on the girl's team." Henry offered.

"Alright. This works!"

We decided that the girls (and Henry) would be first to hunt down the boys. We went to Emily's room to make a plan and count to fifty for all of them to hide.

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