Chapter 3|Day Two: Tuesday

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It seems that the "solution" they used last night didn't work. The pillow that was in between them was somewhere on the floor and Erza found herself on top of the ultramarine's chest, with his arms around her.

That caused her eyebrows to furrow but getting off him was definitely a challenge. His arms were too secured and his scent didn't help; it definitely blessed her nostrils. What cologne he used, she needed to find out.

Pressing her palms on each side of the space beside him, she tried pushing herself off. But he didn't budge.

"Who the hell do you think you are, invading my personal space like this," she mumbled with a huff. If she had known who started this in the first place during their slumber, she wouldn't have said that. It was her who pushed the pillow away and had her limbs sprawled all over him. He only responded with a hug in reflex under his sleeping state.

Her Plan B was rolling them over. And of course with her strength, she succeeded. But what happened after, made her regret her decision terribly. What was she thinking rolling them over? It only made the situation worse with him above now. Unconsciously, he snuggled his head under her chin, deeper into her chest area.

She might have been imagining stuff like this with her dream partner when she read her novels, but in reality, it was just uncomfortable. What made it worse was the one on top of her wasn't someone she liked romantically or in general basically.

Groaning, she grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to push him off. She tried pushing him to side and failed. And then she pushed him lower, another decision she regretted. Now he rested his head on her stomach instead.

He did not look like a deep sleeper when she met him. Angrily, she pulled his hair roughly.

"Get up, get up, get up! Asshole!" She screamed. After what seemed to be a good five minutes of trying, he stayed on top of her. "Fucking ba--"


Interrupted by the sound blaring like hell into her ears, she looked to the side to glare at the culprit; the alarm clock.

"IM AWAKE!" Jellal raised his head.

"What the h-" She did not just lose to a goddamn machine. After all of her attempts, an alarm clock decided to do the task for her without even taking more than three seconds? Boy, was she furious.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Jellal responded not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Why are we having breakfast together?" Erza questioned as they walked side by side on the sidewalk.

"I don't know. Our parents didn't exactly leave food in our house so we can't make any at home," he replied, putting his phone away.

"No, I meant, there are so many places to eat. So why are we going together to the same place?"

"Because we're married," he winked and nudged her with his elbow.

Erza was quick to scoff at his words. "Okay, first off, I didn't say you could touch me. Especially after your serie of insults the other day," she furrowed her eyebrows at the thought of those insults. She could easily prove how every one of them were wrong. "Secondly, not all married couples eat together. Besides, our marriage is not even real. It's a simple business marriage."

"Whatever. I'm not going turn back and find another place to eat now. The cafe is right over there." He pointed and Erza sighed. After being forced to marry a man she barely knew, and quite possibly dislike after the brunch they had, she did not wish nor expect to spend her morning with him.

Shaking her head at how miserable her life was at the moment, she entered the cafe with him. "Morning, Lucy!" She greeted her friend behind the counter and the blonde waitress greeted back with a smile. "And, Natsu." Erza patted his back when she noticed him sitting on one of the stools. Taking a seat beside him, with Jellal beside her, she questioned the pinkete, asking what was he doing there.

"I don't have anything else to do, so I just decided to accompany Lucy," he grinned.

"Or is Lucy accompanying you?" Jellal snickered, bringing out a laugh from Lucy.


"Definitely," the waitress replied. "But I can't stay to chat, the manager is strict. So if you guys want to order, do it now," she told.

"Just my usual," Erza responded.

"Strawberry milkshake and pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries," Lucy said to herself as she wrote it down. Jellal only thought about how obvious that her food would contain strawberries.

"Pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate milkshake, please."

"Another fish!" Lucy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and wrote down Smoked Salmon Platter. With that, she left to get more orders.

"I see you guys are having your first breakfast as a couple," Natsu started a conversation, but was quickly shot back by Erza telling him to the shut the fuck up. "I mean I'm not lying, you guys are-"

"If you say 'a couple' again, I'm snapping your head off," she made it clear.

"Calm down, cheesecake. He didn't mean any harm," Jellal defended.

"Damn y'all already got your couple nicknames set out."

"Oh, I swear to god-" Erza instantly scrambled off her stool to crush his bones.


"Great. All I wanted was a nice breakfast and you got us kicked out."

Erza only let out a huff as a response. She could hear both of their stomachs grumbling, but she wasn't going to apologize to the likes of him.

"Who said you could call me cheesecake anyway, jackass?" If he could give her a nickname, why couldn't she?

"Suited you," he shrugged.

"Ugh, whatever. Just. . . don't ever call me that again," she scratched her cheek with her eyes darted away from his direction. With all the hate she felt between them, being called such a cheesy and cringy name such as cheesecake was just infuriating. And different?

"Okay, cheesecake."

"Stop it!"


Jellal sat down on the couch and Erza plopped down beside him with her back against the arm rest.

"What pizza do you want?" Not knowing where else to eat, they decided on delivery.

Swinging her legs up and on his lap, she answered with, "Chicken pepperoni."

"Ew, boring," he replied clicking order on her pizza. Erza had expected him to push off her legs, but instead he just rested his arm on them. Shrugging, she turned on Netlix on the tv.

Forced Marriage (Jerza) [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now