Chapter 24

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A/N: Hello lovelies, I won't spoil anything up in the note but I will let you guys read, I won't make my notes too long anymore. 

Comment below, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ~~~

Kadence's P.O.V

"Guys! Those pastries better be straightened up!" I pointed towards the table.

"Don't forget to do the soundcheck for the band!" I pointed towards the stage.

"Oh! and let's not forget the front doors has to be a big entrance!" I pointed to a couple people.

"I swear guys do not-"

"Kadence!" I was cut off.

I turned around and Ellie stood there.

"Everything is perfect... please stop worrying now you're giving me a headache."She laughed.

"I just want to check!" I pouted.

"No, you're avoiding tonight..."


"Oh, you know what I'm talking about." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'

I walked away casually and she ran in front of me to stop me from running away from her.

"You're nervous! It is so all over your face."

"What! No!"

"Kadence... you'll be okay, both of you guys will look absolutely stunning, and you guys will probably be the hottest couple there!" She winked.

A couple? We are not a couple, well I mean not yet. I'm hoping I can make a move tonight, but I'm going to keep that on the low having the word spread might get to Brooklyn.

"Fine, fine you're right also we are not a couple. Did you talk to Jamie like I asked you to and the sake of everyone else?"

"Yes... I did."

"And how did that go?"

"Uh, fine." She hesitated, I knew she was hiding but I don't want to bombard her with questions. 

"Go on..." I motioned my hands instead to keep going the conversation going.

"Well, she isn't into me! Also, she likes someone else. We talked it through and we are fine, I promise it won't be awkward tonight."

"Okay... Well! Let's go get ready, we've been working our ass off this morning. I'll meet up with you later tonight." She nearly yelled avoiding the remark I made, I soon dropped the topic and headed off.

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I gave out a large sigh, there is no way in hell I can do my own make-up. I remember when I was little my own and I would always play dress up, she would let me use her small kit and she made both of us princesses. I miss her. I felt my heart sink a little bit.

I wish she was still here, she would've helped me with all of this. I motioned my hands to my face that looked disgusting and plain. I've already taken a shower and it is now three, maybe I should've started earlier.

I looked down to my phone next to me and saw Kadence message me.

"Hey, I hope you're getting ready!"

"Kind of stressed out right now so don't get your hopes up."

"Stop. You'll look beautiful."

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