Chapter 25: Proposal

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Xander was acting strange all day and people in the pack kept looking at us. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"What's going on with eveybody?"

"What? I haven't noticed anything." Xander said with a shrug.

"Mmhm." I hummed suspiciously.

Later that day Xander took my hand and walked me into the woods.

"What are you doing Xander?"

Xander smiled and said, "just a little further."

I rolled my eyes but followed along anyway.

Walking further into the woods I saw lights strung across the trees, and lanters hanging.

"What's with all this?" I said in awe.

Xander turned to me with a smile. "They are for you."

I noticed something familiar about this place.

"Hey this is where I found out you were a wolf."

"Yes it is."

I walked around and saw a picnic blanket, and a basket.

"Aww a picnic?"

When I turned around Xander was on one knee holding up a ring.


"I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Silence is what followed that question. Not even the birds were chirping, it was like they were waiting for an answer.

Xander cleared his throat wiped his hand on his pants. "Lacey?"

I smiled, "Oh right. Yes, I'll marry you."

Xander laughed, stood up and hugged me.

"Alright you ready to eat?"

I nooded,"Yes."

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