Chapter 30: Through The Mine

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Trudging, trudging, trudging.

Braison slowly dragged her feet through gritty dirt and rocks in the darkness of the night. A mighty wind blew within the frigid night air. Her feet was sore and pain intensified with each step she took. Braison just wanted to be done with this whole entire situation, which had gradually gotten bigger and bigger the more she maintained it. Before she knew it, Braison had reached the mine. She noticed its large structure, even in the pitch blackness that unfolded around her. Braison walked toward the mine, shivering and gripping onto her coat tightly. Her hands felt tautened and she could barely feel her flesh. Eventually, Braison shuffled her stiff body to the mine and moved her trembling hand until it touched the rusty, old building. To the left of her were hollow and metal tubes. Still frightened, Braison slinked into the mine. It was awfully dark - even darker than outside. No matter how hard Braison tried staying composed, she could not. She felt the same exact fear Slender Man gave her; it was taking her over until she felt it brimming inside of her and all of the confidence had been drained out of her.

The only thing Braison could see were some items, tools, tables, huge machines, and her own breath, which drifted in front of her because of the cold air. Braison dared not to turn around. She had a feeling she was being watched by someone or something. Thinking there was no one around, but also having the eerie feeling that someone was in this mine with her, she called out helplessly.

"Hello...? Helloooo?!" Her voice echoed loudly in the enormous mine, making her feel small. There was no reply to her shaky greeting. Not a single sound. There was an uneasy silence; Braison planted her feet firmly to the ground, unable to move. Someone's here, someone's watching... Braison mockingly sang to herself inside of her mind. Gulping and taking cleansing breaths, she continued sauntering through the treacherous mine. Her surroundings were simply technology or empty spaces. There was nothing she'd seen that was alive so far. Suddenly, Braison heard a very low growling from somewhere; it sounded as if it came deep down from a person's croaky throat. She cautiously spun around, eyes buldging out of their sockets. She now knew there was someone there, and it wasn't exactly a normal human being. It didn't sound like Slender Man. Trembling, she remembered how he never said a word but as if showing his blank face had spoken spooky words itself. Slender Man didn't make animal-like growls. Braison headed up the ancient stairs, sliding her fingertips along the bumpy railing of the staircase. She was about to reach the last step when her foot slid rapidly on it and she collapsed onto the ground. Her hands were on the floor, trying to push herself back up, which wasn't easy since her body ached from falling on the solid ground and because her hands were unstable. 


Braison gasped out loud. That growl had definitely not come from her. She jerked her head around, looking frantically for a sign of an organism, but she didn't see one. That was until she noticed a tilted shadow shown on the wall, creeping along. Her teeth chattered violently as she stood back up, shuddering. Although her instincts told her to immediately run out of this horrid mine, her curiousity got the best of her. She made her way towards the shadow, taking a quick step back when it suddenly vanished. Braison continued making her way down the hallway, squinting her eyes. She strided on; she stopped when there was a dead end and a silver elevator in front of her eyes.

Braison had a flashback at that very moment. She recalled the time when her brother was six-years old. She was pretty young back then too, probably ten or eleven. They were at the mall, and her brother had been afraid to step into the elevator. He had been claustrophobic quite often. He was scared that he'd be trapped in that small space forever and never get out. "I don't want to go in!" Braison recalled him wailing, recoiling from the elevator. He pressed himself against Braison, and their parents worriedly looked at him. "Shhh,'s okay," Braison had said steadily, stroking Gunner's hair. "You'll be safe. We're going to be make it out just fine." That soothing tone never left her voice as they walked into the elevator and it travelled upward. Braison had felt that she had the world in her hands at that time, with Gunner clasping onto her, and her head lovingly on top of his. It has been a warm moment. The vivid memory disappeared from her mind in a flash, and Braison immediately went back to the darkness of reality. She eyed the elevator in front of her. She cringed when the light of the elevator button glowed, then darkened. Glowed. Darkened. Glowed. Darkened.

It went on and on like that until the elevator creaked slightly. The doors ploddingly opened. There was nothing, since - CRASH! Startled, Braison backed away from the elevator. In front of her eyes, glued into her vision was one of the most hideous, strangest, monsterous creature she had ever seen! The creature had a horrendous face; it was very white and dirty with dark burns. Around the creature's eyes and mouth was a deep color of black. It had strands of creepy black hair extending down onto its ugly face. It wore a white hoodie and jeans that were covered in dried blood. There was also blood smeared all over the creature's gnarled hands.

The name that popped into Braison's brain was "the Chaser". She vulnerably watched it recover from its fall and knew it was a proxy of Slender Man that was going to chase her. "Grrrrrrr......" The menacing growl came again.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Braison screamed at the top of her lungs, dashing off as fast as a speeding bullet. "GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" the Chaser screeched out, beginning to run and picking up its pace. It nearly reached Braison as she clumsily rushed down the stairs, breathing heavily. I don't want to die like this Braison thought, biting her lip as tears streamed down her face.


Libby sat on a comfy chair in the living room of her lovely house. Her head was in her hands, and the bags under her eyes were getting more dim. Joe came into the room, looking at his dazed wife.

"I called Braison's parents," Libby told her husband as she gestured him to take a seat. "They sounded worried, but also a little tired and thinking she went off to Catalina's house. Braison is gone. Again." The couple stared at each other for a while, thinking the exact same thing.

"She went to look for Slender Man, didn't she?" Joe asked quietly.


"Oh, Lord."

They sat in their chairs and didn't do a single thing but pray.


Don't let me die yet, please Braison thought back at the mine, crying silently and darting around wildly. She was growing much weaker, and she felt the Chaser gaining on her and its growls beating on her like a drum. Braison was still hopelessly running when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She gulped and looked slowly to her side to see a white hand on her shoulder. An oval and blank face showed itself to Braison as well. Slender Man.


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