We can't go without you

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The police bring down to the station so, I can wait there. they put me into a waiting room.

"We just can't sit here. we have to do something" I say sitting across from them.

"We are doing something, we're waiting for the right moment." Says J.Granger.They thought it was really funny.

"Waiting? for what?" I ask them. they both look at each other and went back to type on their computers.

"We should be on the road by now." S.Martin says to me. they we're barking orders around.

"Ok let's go. I call shotgun." I head out the door where two other police men were wait for me.

"Your not getting a gun." Says J.Granger holding the door for me as I get out quickly.

"I wasn't asking for a gun." I say to them. they probably weren't getting my language.

"You and your youngsters have a confusing language" S.Martin says in his old man voice.

J.Granger and I laugh at him. he just stands there looking confused as always.

"What are you guys laugh at?" he says waving his hand around.

Me and J.Granger look at each other. we had our first moment.

"You" I say laughing it out.

"You guys should go" S.Martin says.

I give him 'what' look.

"Your not coming with us?" I ask him. I take a step toward him.

"Just go." he says putting a hand on J.Granger shoulder.

"Lets go we wouldn't have enough time." J.Granger says in my ear. putting a hand on my back guiding me through the door out.

He leads me to a SS Camaro. It was black which means it was a undercover car.

"Is this your car? or the station's?" I ask him. he takes the front seat.

"It's mine own. I've had it since I was 17." he says as I take to passenger seat ad buckle up.

This reminds me of when me and josh took our trip but, I wasn't in the passenger seat.

"So, what's your name 'cause I just can't keep calling you 'J.Granger' anymore" I say to him as he turns the engine over and it comes to life. he turns to meet my face.

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