Help me

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I wake up in a chair with my hands tied behind my back.

My leg to starts to hurt again. I taste something on my mouth. it's duck tape covering my mouth to keep me shut up. I hear something so I try to look around but the light is trained on me.

Someone is coming behind me. I can feel someone twisting my hair with their finger. my heart beat goes faster and faster trying to figure who it is.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" A familiar voice says into my ear. their breathe goes down my neck and gives me the chills.

Someone comes around my chair and I finally know who it is. its the guy I've know for years. he picked me up three nights ago. got me in a car crash. dated my best friend Nora. Josh.

The person I trusted him with my life. with Nora's life. He just threw that all away for what?

I look away from him. he puts two fingers on my chin and turns my head to look at him.

"Don't be that way?" he tells me. now I'm sweating cause my heart beat is racing.

I struggle to get his hands off me. I shake my head rapidly.

"I know your wondering about Matt but he's ok in someway." He says going around me. my eyes stand on him.

He rips the tape off my mouth and puts his hand over my mouth to make sure I don't scream at the pain he just caused me.

"Why hello beautiful" he says looking down at me. I roll my eyes and bite his finger. he yells in pain.

"HELP ME!-" I yell but something covers my mouth again but it's not tape or a hand. it's josh kissing me. since my legs weren't tied I make him stop kissing me by kicking him in his shin.

I wanted him to feel the pain I was in. he wouldn't know how much pain I was in from the crash, Matt being gone.

Josh steps back and crosses his arms over his chest. a henchman goes over to josh. they say something that I couldn't hear.

"You shouldn't have done that." he says to me like I'm a child. I roll my eyes again showing him that I didn't care what he would do to me.

The henchman came over to me and looked down at me. he put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb over my cheek bone.

"You shouldn't have done that sweetie" he says to me. keeps rubbing his thumb over my cheek bone until I feel a sharp pain. I turn my head the other way.

I scream out in pain. it feels stiff on my cheek. I couldn't move my mouth anymore.

"Untie her" josh says from far away. I couldn't see him. but I know everyone was looking at him.

"What?" says one of the henchman. I look up to find josh standing in front of me. he looks me dead in the eye and gives me the look he had at the mall.

I taste something in my mouth. it tasted like metal.

"Untie her. take her to the guy and don't hurt her. i will find out if you do"I hear him say. he still gives me that look. I know he still has feeling for Nora.

I feel the rope loosen around my wrists. a henchman walks over and hands me my crutches. I take them from him and stand up on my own.

They stand in front of me and behind me. there was no way I was getting out of this mess. They take me to a black SUV and they tied my hands in front of me so I don't do anything to try to get away.

When I get into the car they sit beside me and one of the guys drives. I wonder what josh needs me for.

"We're here" says one of the henchman sitting in the front seat. they help me get out and from there I'm put into a house that's has a bedroom,bathroom, living room and a kitchen.

One of the henchman comes in with me. I go and sit on the couch in the living room. He goes over to thee back and stands at the back door so I don't leave. I go to the back door to see him standing there.

"Do you know when Matt is getting here?" I ask him. he just stands there with his arms crossed over his chest.

I leave the room and go to another room. It's leads me to the bedroom. a double size bed with white sheets and brown pillows. a brown chair in the corner with a white blanket covering it.

I climbed into the bed.

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