Thinking of Matt

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"Saying your things aren't gonna get any bett-" I say but I'm cut off. Josh's lips are on mine. I don't know why but, I kiss him back.

Recap of last chapter.

I kiss him back. He puts his hands on my hips. my hands go onto his chest and go down onto his rock hard abs. he pulls me in closer to him and I could feel the warmth from his body. I put my hands around Josh's neck and his goes behind my back, intertwined.

The thought of Matt in the other room sleeping. I pull away from him at the thought of Matt finding out.

"What's wrong?" he asks putting his hand back onto my cheek.

"I'm cheating on Matt with you!" I say pushing him back from me.

"We speak of nothing about this! you got that? And don't come near me while i'm around matt!"I say to him so this scandal doesn't go out from this room.

He nods his head and I leave the room. I go to the bedroom to still see Matt curled up in the bed. I thought of him finding out.

I go into the bathroom and take a shower.

"Fire away, fire away shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium" I sing in the shower while the lukewarm water beating on my body.

I grab the towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body before I open the sheet.

"Lovey voice you have" a familiar voice says thought the sheet. I quickly opened the sheet and just starred at him with 'what -the-f*ck' look.

"Didn't I say to you to leave me alone while I'm around Matt?" I say to josh standing front of the door blocking my exit.

"Yes, but I just can't stay away from that hot body of yours" he says grabbing a piece of wet hair on the side of my face and moving it behind my ear just like Matt was doing this afternoon.

"Get out!" I yell at him and I he holds his palms up saying 'fine'. he leaves me alone in the bathroom just like I wanted.

I put my wet hair into a ponytail. I put pjs on. the ones josh left in the bathroom. they were white and purple striped shorts and a navy blue tank top. I walk from the bathroom and Matt was still sleeping

I clim into the warm bed with Matt and intertwined his body with his. and yet again I thought of all the times I've been with Matt on dates, pep rallies, football games, dances.

I fall into a deep sleep and when I wake up I find him looking at me...

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