I have a what?

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When I finally opened my eyes it felt like something hit the back of my head. A doctor was standing over me checking my plus. his hands were covered in blood, my blood. I try to say something but the pain is causing me to say nothing.

The doctor's voice was silent but, from his mouth wide open I could tell he was yelling. Another doctor comes running over and supports my head. the two doctors look at each others then, look back at me.

Black came across my vision. I was stuck in the dark. I couldn't find my way out from it. My mind started to forget stuff I'd remember for a long time.

The date with Matt popped into my mind, kissing, laughing all of it. then I blacked out.

I woke up at a awkward time. the doctors were beside me working on something. I hear voices but, I couldn't understand them.

The next time I woke up was in a hospital bed just like the first time. no one was waiting for me this time.

I go into the bathroom. I look into the mirror that was hanging on the wall. there was bruises and scratches across my face. on this one side there was 3 stitches.

I hear Matt's voice calling my name. I look around the room and check the hallway. he wasn't there. I ask one of the doctor's if i had any visitors but they said no.

I climbed into the bed and curled up. I thought of Matt. my feels were all over the place I was mad at josh, scared of what he doing to Matt, I'm lost on information.

I couldn't sleep. how could I see without knowing if Matt was still alive. The nurse came in and tried to give me something to sleep but I said no.

"W-What's wrong with me?" I ask the nurse. she turns to meet my questioning eyes.

"You have a contusion, did someone hit you or did you fall?" she asks. I thought of when the henchman threw me onto the ground.

"Is there internal bleeding?" I ask her sounding like a doctor or a professor.

She nods her head in disagreement, then she leaves the room.

I put my head inside my hands. I couldn't think with all this pounding in my head. I spread my legs across the bed and put my hands like a pillow.

I tried to fall asleep but every time I try I couldn't.

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