They found me

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I hear footsteps coming my way. I kept my eyes closed. it sounds like three men by their voices.

"We found her!" I voice says. someone nudges on my shoulder to wake up. I slowly open my eyes to see a unknown face standing above me.

Another unknown person comes our way. they help me up as I grab their hand.

"Are you ok?" the other man asks. I nod my head. they guide me to the road I followed last night. when we get there, there were cops and ambulances on the road.

They bring me first to the ambulance to check if everything isn't broken or sprain or I have any new diseases I may have gotten.

I sit on the edge of the ambulance then, the police came to see me and to give me some questions.

"Where were you when you got kidnapped?" the first police men asked.

"It was on Sunday June 26th of 2012" I say keeping the blanket on my shoulders as I talk.

"Today is July 6th of 2012, so you've gone for 11 days" says the second police men.

"Do you remember who it was?" The first one asks. I nod my head.

"It was Josh Grey, by friend's boyfriend" I say to them.

They nod their heads. And the ambulance takes me away to another hospital or to a police station to be questioned.

It takes them 35 minutes just to get me somewhere. they open up the doors and I step out from them. the police escorted me through the hospital to my room.

They bring me to a room. it looks just like the room I was in 12 days ago. with the chairs and bedside table.

When I walk into the room there was no one there to greet me to know I'm still alive after almost getting killed.

I clim into the bed and started to think about what josh is doing to Matt for losing me in a 'car crash' that his henchman did.

I couldn't sleep on that thought. the nurse gives me something to sleep, but after a while it wasn't working so I was walking over to the desk and it felt like something just hit me. I fell to the ground.

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