Matt's savor, my death

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We make it back to his car and jump in.

"How far is the house?" he asks rolling down the road.

"It's about a hour away" I say putting my hands on the dashboard.

around hour later

"Where is this house again?" He asks for the fourth time. it felt like we were going around in circles.

"It was right here" I say getting out from the car. James came out with me.I see it from far away

"There it is" I say as I point at it. He nods his head.

We make our way to the house. it took about ten minutes but, I'm not surprised of how far away it is from civilization.

James takes his gun out from his belt.

I see two figures and I don't think these are rocks.

We get closer and closer to them. when we do I know they aren't rocks. they were josh,matt.

"Your very early. I told you in the

letter to come alone but I see you haven't." josh says coming closer to us.

"I'm not here to chat I'm here for Matt. just let him go and give Matt to me or we'll shot" James says. I know by his voice he was scared.

"Come over and get him" Josh says. I take a step toward them but James grabs my wrist. I let go of his grip and keep walking.

I get closer to them. I could see Matt was still alive after all this time being scared for him.

"Let him go" I tell josh only a few feet away from him. he guessers to Matt.

He lets go of him and Matt comes to me and I embrace him. I tell him to go back to James and he does. I could see josh was holding a gun.

I start to run but he grabs on to my shoulder and pulls me back. he holds at his will and puts the gun to my head. I see Matt take a step forward.

"Take another step and she dies" josh says to Matt.

"Matt don't. I'm fine" I tell Matt.

"You don't have to do this josh." James say to him.

"I have to this. she's suppose to love me! not Matt!" He yells at James.

"She does love you. you just can't do these kind of things to other people she's worried about. matt's not her boyfriend he's her gay friend" James says. Matt turns around and gives him the 'WTF' look. I couldn't laugh but I was laughing on the inside.

"Do you really love me?" josh asks me. his breathe sends a chill down my spine but, this is acting and I have to act like I'm in love with him.

"I can prove it" I say. he loosens the grip he had on me and I turn around to meet his eyes.

I put my hands on his chest just like Nora did to him. I go in closer to his face and kiss him.

When we're done I step back from his embrace.

"Do you believe me?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I do" he says taking a step toward me again.

"Just drop the gun and we go away, forever and never come back again." I say. he drops the gun and I kick it behind me.

I smash my fist into his face and kneed him. he yells out in pain I run to get the gun off the ground. I point the gun at Josh's head.

"Put your hands behind your head." I yell at him. he does what I said and I put him into cuffs that James gave me earlier.

"Josh Grey you are under arrest" I say to him bring him to James.

"Good job, partner" he says as he takes josh from me. I smile at him.

I run into Matt's arm. he spins me around. he puts me back down. he puts his hand on my cheek.

I pull him into a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. I didn't want this moment to end. I know I say that a lot but this is the moment I never wanted it to end.

"Hey" I say in a tired voice. I smile at him and he smiles back with a effortless way.

"Hey, I'm not gay by the way." he says. I laugh at that.i saw someone come from behind the house.

"Matt watch out!" I say to Matt. he turns around covering my body.

The next thing I heard was a gun shot and Matt falling to the ground. James comes to the rescue. he shoots at the man and man goes down.

I kneel down beside Matt. James comes beside me.I cover to wound on the left side of the chest.

"Matt keep your eyes on me. ok?"I cried. He nods his head.

"Can I get back up here" James yelled into his walkie talkie.

"Matt your going to be ok" I say as a tear goes down my check. he brings his hand up and puts it on my check. he rubs his thumb on my check.

"I'm going to be ok" Matt says tiredly.

"You are going to be ok" I say nodding my head.

"I love you Jen" he says as i grab his hand holding on to it.

"I love you too Matt and nothing is going to change that" I say. I take my hand off his wound and it's covered in blood.

"Your my closest thing to heaven" he says. His blood was on my hands. I never wanted to let go.

"Everything is going to be ok" I say to him. he just keeps looking at me.

"I just want you to know who I am, I'll give up everything to touch you" he says with a smile. Smile back at him. I can't fight the tears that ain't coming.

"They are going to get here soon ok?" I tell but I notice he doesn't have much time.

"Never let go-" and he just stops there. I felt his plus but, he didn't have one.

"Matt?" I ask him. he's dead.

"Matt!" I yell at him but I know he's not coming back. I bang on his chest calling his name.

James pulls me off the ground and holds. I try to escape from his grip but he's too strong. I kept calling his name.

I know Matt is dead.

Thank you guys for reading this!

A little secret I cried at the ending. I'm not really good at people dieing.

I really hoped you liked it!

Please comment & vote!

I may make another book in the further on in the new year,

Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

My new book is called "the call" the second one to this! please read it.

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