Line dancing

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I could feel Josh's eyes burning into my back as I embrace with Matt.

We let go and I pull him in for a hard kiss. It was my mine turn to make josh and Nora look away.

I can hear josh choke on his fries and I stop kissing with Matt. I move away from Matt to an arm's length.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks while he puts his hand out for me to take. I take his hand and he pulls me down the hallway and I quickly shut the door behind us.

We make our way down stairs. we feel like teens again as he twirls me around. I feel so alive around him and I know he feels the same way.

His love lifts me out of time. I make it to his car first a 69 Comaro black with a sliver pin strip. black and white interior.

The doors don't open so, I clim through the open window. Matt also claims through the open window on his side. I sit on the side as he fires it up. the sweet sound of the engine just get me going.

I will never be this way again because i'll only be with Matt. Matt's like my home I feel safe around him.

We drive down the street with the wind in my hair. Matt holding my leg so I don't go flying out which I think is really funny.

When we make it to our date its a pickink under a willow tree light up with lanterns. a lake beside the tree and a red plaid blanket to match my shirt.

I pull myself out from the leather seat. Matt comes around and puts his hand out for me to take. I jump out from the window and make my way to the blanket near the water.

I slow myself down and wait for Matt to catch up. he takes my hand and i let his hand intwined with mine. Matt sits down then I do. I sit near him by the tree I lean my back up against.

We have pasta and for desert strawberries covered in chocolate. we feed it to each other. after we eat he goes back to his car to grab something from his trunk.

I see a dark brown guitar and brings it over. he sits down again and gets ready to play. I hear the familiar sound of the guitar that my father used to play when I was younger.

Matt starts to play "home" by Philip Philips. after he's done I pull him up and bring him over to the water. our foreheads touch and he puts his hands on my cheek. I could feel his warmness through his hands.I put my hands behind his neck and his hands moves down to my waist. he pulls me in for a kiss and when we let go of each other. I push him into the water and I laugh.

He smiles and that makes me smile. I try to pull him out of the water but, he pulls me in and I let out s scream of laughter. I splash water at him and he does too.I go over and push him down.

We get out of the water because we're afraid of getting sick. Matt gives me his jacket.

We're driving home until...

Thanks for reading!

Comment on what will happen next!

My next update will be on Friday!

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