He did what?!?

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"Where's Matt?!?" I ask again. he finally looks up and I could see sadness in his eyes.

Recap of last chapter

"I can't take this information, it's too hard for me to handle" I say to josh making sure r had the information. my head is spinning, I couldn't have this information.

"Matt wanted me to tell you that he's breaking up with you and he's moving ways to Nashville" he says holding my hand so I don't run away. I start crying because I got injured in a car crash a day ago and I was enough pain.

"Get me out" I tell josh. I try to stand up but I fall back on the bed.

"What?' josh try's to set me back onto the bed. I get back up and manage to stand.

"Get me out from the hospital and we can got to Nashville to change his mind" I tell him willing to get out.

Josh agrees to my plan. we go back to my apartment to get my stuff for our 'road trip' I call it.

We use my car. when set off on our trip to get Matt back. we live in Florida it would take about two days.

We stop to buy gas and food. we go on for about six hours until its night.

Josh thinks we should stop and sleep in a hotel for the night but, I don't want to stop because Matt would be already there. I agree anyway cause I need cleaning up.

"Hi can we have a suite with two beds" I hear josh say across the room while I sit in a big red leather chair.

"Sorry we only have a suite with one bed" says the counter lady. my goes way knowing I have to share a bed. I walk over to the counter and put my hands on the counter.

"Well is there a couch or a cot we can order?" I ask looking at the women typing on the keyboard.

"We do have a couch in the room. how many nights will you be staying with us?" she asks about to type into the computer.

"Just one night" josh says grabbing his wallet from his back pocket. I grab his wrist.

"I've got it." I say in whisper. he nods his head no. and hands the lady money.

"Thanks, your room number is 143" she hands the room key to josh.

We grab our bags and head down to our room. we make it to our room and josh opens the door for me. I walk in the room to find a king sized bed in the first room and in the second is the room with the couch and the tv.

I go to the room with the couch and put my duffle bag on there. I go to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I strip off my clothes and put a plastic bag around the cast. the lukewarm water beating off my body. I think about how Matt could just leave me or no reason and a start to cry Because we were so happy two days ago in our date.

"Are you ok Jen? You've been in there for an hour." Josh's consirson voice says behind the door.

"Yeah my fine" I say to him. I turn off the water and grab the towel off the rack. I wrap it around my body and open the door.

"Don't look at me. I'm gonna change in the other room" I tell josh and I come out from the bathroom. he turns around and I try to quickly crutch to the other room.

I close the door behind me and I close the window curtains. after I get dressed I brush my hair and put it into a ponytail. there was a knock on my door around 3am. I get up to open it to find josh standing there.

"It's 3am. what do you need that is so important?" I ask him while rubbing my eyes.

"I couldn't sleep" he says in a tried voice. he takes my wrist and brings me to the other bed. he pulls me in the bed with him and he holds me. I feel asleep in his warmth of his body.

In the morning I feel a shake on my shoulder telling me to wake up. I open my eyes to see josh holding a cup of coffee for me and I take it from his grip. I take a sip of the coffee and he grins at me.

We get our stuff and go to the car. I sit in the backs it to extend my leg across the seats. 30 minutes late I get tried but I don't know why. I feel the car drift to the left and before I know it my eyes are slowly closing.

"We're here" josh says as he smiles. I try to stay awake but my eyes are to tried to stay open. I hear the door open on the other side and felt a band of around my ankle. I couldn't move any part of my body. the door opens near my head and someone grabs my wrists out of my lap. they put them behind my head and ties them.

Then I blackout after that.

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