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The office was filled with thick smoke. I began counting the money and bagging it. Tee soon came in to give me some statements and I looked over them. I have been in Houston, Texas for about three days to catch up and a few things and to visit my grandmother's and mom's grave. I doubt I will visit their graves but it's a thought.

"Um, you have a lot of missed calls from Eva" She stated simply.

"Give me the phone" She tossed me the phone and I went to my call log to see the missed calls. I exhaled then clicked on the name "My baby" so it would call her.

"Hello Kavon why the f-"

"Eva, please drop the attitude"

She chuckled "You expect me to to drop an attitude when I haven't heard from your sneaky ass in three days?"

"Yeah" I shrugged.

"You know Kavon... I don't know what has exactly got into you but please get it out..."

I sighed I could hear crying in the background.

"Is that Mackenzie?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, why? It's not like you care or anything.."

"Fuck it, it's so hard trying to get through to your stuck up ass"

"Whatever.. Fuck you... sorry ass" With that she ended the call. I slammed the phone then got up from the chair.

The anger was building up in me and I just had to take it out on something or someone. I entered the main lobby and every ones eyes shot towards me. After noticing the eyes I widened mine and looked around the room.

"The fuck y'all looking at get to motherfucking work!" I snapped out of frustration.

"Umm King"

"Not now Tee!" She stopped talking then sighed.

Can't believe Eva called me sneaky and sorry. Shit, I am doing my best trying to balance a family, more than one business, and drug trade. It is beyond over whelming but I am managing. For a nigga that grew up without a dad I think I am being a great father to Mackenzie. She is my life, I hold off a lot of shit just for her. I don't regret it at all either. I made her so it is my duty to raise her. Thinking about Mackenzie always calms me down. Her smile, the way she giggles when I make a funny face.

My phone began to ring in my pocket. I answered it and stopped the rage I was in.


"Kavon, I don't know who you think this is..answering the phone like that"

I was relieved that it was Pharah.

"My bad ma, I didn't know who it was but what's up?"


"What about her?"

"What did you do nigga?"

"Shit, I don't know" I snapped as I opened the door to my office.

"You know! Wait.. you didn't tell her did you?"

I smacked my lips "About what"

"Why this time is sentimental to you"

My voice changed "I don't know... she knows about mama but not exactly when it happened"

"Kavon, you need to tell her. Eva is worried sick about you and your state of mind right now.. c'mon, there is a child involved"

"I know and my child is fine Pharah"

She smacked her lips "you get like this every time November rolls around and you can't take out your frustration out on people just because mama went missing!"

Boss Lady [ Completed ] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now