B L ♛ 17

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Here it is six in the morning and I am helping Kavon get ready for his trip. I wouldn't even be up if it wasn't for myself. I woke up because of back pains I was having and lucky me Kavon was up and getting ready.

"You got everything baby?" I said as I watched him come from the bathroom with the three Louis Vuitton bags.

I wanted to cry a bit, Kavon is about to leave for a month and I will be two months in exactly two days. Time is going by fast already.

"Yeah, you coming to the airport with me?" He asked as I got out the bed to get ready.

I slipped the yoga pants on "Duh K"


I smiled, good thing we spent a whole bunch of time together yesterday. Lord knows this month, well three weeks is going to be hell without Kavon here. It is going to feel like I am go through this alone.

We got in the car and of course as if cue his phone began to ring. And he didn't hesitate to answer it.

"I am on the way now Tee" Kavon shouted.

"Look, my baby woke up and didn't feel good, shit y'all can wait fuck you think this is" With that he hung up.

Now, I am really curious to know what he does. He looked at me then smirk. I couldn't help but smile. He continued to drive, while he placed his free hand on my thigh and began to slowly rub it. I tilt my head back, savoring the moment.

"Baby you missed the airport" I said as I lifted my head back up.

"I know, personal jets aren't public planes bae" He said with a slight chuckle afterward. I looked towards him. "Since when you get a jet?"

"Since, I was like twenty-five" He responded and put the car in park. I took a look out to my right and not too far from us seen a nice small, but nice tan jet.

Kavon got out and so did I. People dressed up similar to LK began to get his things and carry it to the plane. I went around to driver's side since I had no choice but to drive home. I kept the door opened and waited for Kavon to stop talking to the men. The sun had began to peek from behind the clouds and I knew soon I would have to go to work, without Kavon being here.

I waved to Riley and he waved back. My tummy began to growl indicating I was hungry. After finishing up whatever he was doing Kavon made his way back to the car. As soon as he got into arm reach, he wrapped his arms around me. I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"Baby I am going to miss you" He said.

I sighed "Im a miss you more pookie"

He smacked his lips, he can't stand when I call him that. But he tolerates it anyways. I feel as if my whole world is in my arms right now. "K" I said softly.

"Hurry back, babe... please" I said.

He nodded his head "This weeks going to go by fast.. trust me" After those words we kissed. Not like any kiss we had before, but this one I felt like electric shocks went down my body. The whole kiss my body was on ten and I loved every second of it. Kavon does things like this to me and I can't help it all.

"I love you" He said after our kiss and rubbing my stomach.

"I love you too" I said and he turned around and began to walk. I shut then door and still looked at him as he got on the plane. Watching my world walk. Who would have known? I smiled and waved as he turned around and smiled bye to me. I blew him a kiss and started the car.

Boss Lady [ Completed ] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now