Chapter 8

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Today is Anny’s second day back in school.

And Í can tell you that you don’t want to know about yesterday. It must have been hell for her.

She came into class, after long and very stressful talks with her, and half of the class was staring at her like they would say: What do you want here? Wasn’t that enough?

And the other half was just ignoring her.

She could make a headstand and shout: I’m a big, fat cow and they wouldn’t have shrugged or even took a wee look at her.


When I came in I just look down on the dirty grey floor and went to my seat as fast as I could without starting to run.

The whole day was horrible!

I talked to no one except from Amber and everyone acted unusual.

So I could feel that they were thinking of the same thing as me the whole time. That didn’t make it better. Really, it didn’t.

And then just like it is sometimes we had to do a lot of partner and group work this day. In English we had to write a dialogue with a partner. Because Amber isn’t so good our teacher decided for her who her partner would be. And it wasn’t me.

So I sat there alone, writing a monologue instead. My thoughts only rotated around... okay, you know around what.

In history we had to do a poster in groups. Amber tried really hard to get me into her group. But she wasn’t able to make her point. She looked at me sadly and very sorry. So I forgave her. But I sat there alone again.

The periods felt like twice as long as usual.

There was just one thing I was happy about: Cecelia wasn’t in school. And the crew never does anything without her. She is like the captain. And they are very lost without their captain.

So that was yesterday. And I didn’t want to come back today but Amber persuaded me like always.

So here I am now!


Please not! I won’t survive this. I will die a slow and painful death!

Cecelia is just walking into the room.


“Life isn’t always easy.”

Author's note:

Sorry for this very short chapter. I have a writer's block at the moment. But because I really want to upload everyday...I did:D

But as you can see there's like nothing happening and it's short.

I'm very sorry!!

Anyway, vote, fan and comment!:)

Love you guys<3

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