Chapter 16

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Mr Henderson enters the room and a new English period begins.

I’m chewing bored my gum while Mr Henderson is walking up to his desk where he’s arranging his books.

“Okay then. Please take out your homework now so I can check them.”

Shit! I totally forgot about my homework. So I have nothing to put on my desk to let Mr Henderson check it. Shit!

But seriously, who has time to think of something like English homework if there are so many other things you could do.

For example you can read magazines and totally get lost and the world of fashion and glamour. That’s where I was yesterday when I should have done my homework: The world of fashion and glamour.

I was so busy with reading all these things which seemed important for me to know that I didn’t think of anything else.

There is only one problem: It isn’t the first time that I have forgotten my homework. And that’s exactly what Mr Henderson tells me now.

“You can’t go on like this Anny! You forgot to do your homework for the last two weeks without exception! I give you one last chance or we have to do something about that little lady. So you better do your homework for the next period or I will have a serious conversation with your parents and if needed also with the headmaster.”

Yeah, I know that you have to do them.
And it’s not like I am this kind of person who never did anything for school like homework, rehearsing or working in class.
Normally I am the kind of person who always works hard for everything.
But it seems like I have to say that I WAS this kind of person.

I really need to find a solution for my homework problem.

I mean I would simply do them if I had time for this. But if I want to follow my list I need to work hard for it (for example reading all these magazines) and there is simply no time for homework.

After my English class Amber waits for me on the corridor. She’s pushing me aside.

“Anny, what is going on? Mr Henderson is right it can’t go on like this. You didn’t do your homework for two weeks now! Anny, that is not you!”

She is looking at me reproachful.

“And by the way, I really need to talk to you Anny! I have to tell you something. You won’t believe it if you hear it. It’s that...”


“Sorry Amber, don’t be worried about my homework. I will find a solution! But I really have to go now. Talk to you later!”

She’s just interrupting me and while she talks she’s walking away.

“Hey! What I want to tell you is very important for me! And what do you mean by ‘You will find a solution’?”

That’s how it always is during the last weeks.

It seems to me that this is the new Anny: Not listening and only thinking about her.

What an amazing friend she is!


“Everyone needs a friend but no one wants to BE a friend.”

Author's note:

And another wee chapter. I hope you like it!!

Btw I entered "the Watty Awards 2012" with this book.

So it would be great if you could help me by fanning, voting etc.

That would be soooooooooo great!!!:):)

Love you all <33

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