Chapter 3

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I’m lying on my bed just starring at the ceiling.

I can’t think of anything else but of what I saw earlier in school. I came home two hours ago and I’ve just lied here on my bad. When I came in I told mum that I have to do lots of homework so she won’t disturb me. And it’s also kind of true: I have to do homework and studying. There is just little problem: I can’t concentrate anymore. It’s like I lost the control over my brain. No matter what I think of every thought ends up with John and Cecelia.

Maybe I should explain it a bit.

What I’ve just seen has always been my worst nightmare: Cecelia, the person I hate the most, KISSING John, the person I like the most.

I always had a crash on John. I can’t remember any time I didn’t have.

It all started with Kindergarten. He was the first one I made friends with.

We were inseparable, always together. He was really my best and kind of my only friend.

Then Cecelia moved to town. This happened to be after summer holidays when our last year in Kindergarten was just about to start. And everything started to change:

They started to play together and I was more and more left out.

So it happened to be that I was totally left out when we finished Kindergarten in summer and they were best friends now.

I know this story is kind of cliché but still.

And now we’re in senior year and I still have a crash on John, I already told you I can’t remember any time I didn’t have.

You know what happened next.

I know I could have told that stupid cow to piss off if I would be that kind of person who would do things like that.

Probably it would be the thing to do. But I can’t.

I’ve always been the shy girl without friends. I’m just not the person who does these things.

But then Amber came into my world.

At this moment I hear the phone ringing. It’s her.

“Hi! How are you?” she wants to know.

“Hmm... not that good.” I’m mumbling into the phone.

“Oh, what happened? Are you alright?”

Then I told her exactly what just had happened earlier on.

“I can’t believe it. This slut!” was her answer.

“What will you do about it?” She sounds a bit excited.

“Nothing I think. I mean what should I do? I can’t do anything about it, right?”

“What’s that for an answer? Sure you can do something! You can’t just watch them how they’re happy together. Are you insane?”

Suddenly I don’t really feel like talking anymore. “Amber, can we talk tomorrow, please? I don’t really want to talk about it know. I just don’t feel like it, okay?”

“Okay, sure! But don’t think I will forget it. We WILL talk. See you tomorrow then. And don’t be so depressed. Bye!”

I can hear the connection cut off. So I put the phone down.

I hate her. I just hate Cecelia. John is my boy not hers.

Maybe Amber is right. Maybe I really have to do something.

I mean actually I know I have to. But what should I do? I want to do something but I don’t know how to.

All of a sudden my list flashed into my mind.

Point three on the list says “boyfriend”. You have to know that I know this list off by heart.

I actually wrote this point down when my feelings for John got stronger and had the idea that I like him more than just a friend for the first time.

But I can’t get him with just writing him down as one point of a stupid list.

I can’t get him if I won’t change, right?

So let’s try something, something totally insane.

I get up and walk over to my commode. I open the top drawer on the left.

There it is: How to become popular.

I haven’t seen it for months. I take out a thick piece of paper. A cute pink frame is bordering the list. There are also little sparkling hearts all over the paper.

“Okay” I think. Why would you make a list like that? To put it in your commode and never look at it again? No!

It’s like a “to do” -list how to become popular. So why don’t actually DO the things on the “to do”-list?


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