That Feeling

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If I knew how hard it was to talk to Yusra about something like that, I'd be amazed. But I'm not an easy talker. I can't influence people the way I want to influence them. I mean, come on. What are the odds of having to talk your friends out of running away from home? One percent at least! It's unbelievable how she has to do that! I'm still having a hard time believing that we're leaving today. And tomorrow I'll meet her, my parents, my other friends and etc. I'm sure we'll also be able to find out what Aakifah has to say for her answer to Subhee's proposal. 

It was a long ride back home to Canada. Yes, we drove. Sheath did actually. Aakifah accompanied us because she wanted to go home and see how our house was. Well I can't really remember our new house properly but I guess it looked a little something close to a brown house with a small playground in the backyard. That was built in for Sarah. Sarah, the little plump child she was, would only sit on the swings and scream if she was ever pushed. If Subhee pushed her, I'm sure she'd like it even if she was scared. There are many sacrifices done for the people you love. I don't know. But would I ever read a full book on politics if Sheath told me to? I don't think so. I mean, I hate politics, like literally. All I can do is be disappointed in the world for all its corruptness. 

The car ride was silent mainly because Aakifah forced me to sit in the passenger seat at the front beside Sheath. She said she wanted the back seat for herself. I was pretty embarrassed. I mean, I was staring at Sheath's wrists the whole ride. There were covered but something about it made me feel more conscious of him as a guy. Lame, I know. But still I'm knew to this whole marriage thing. It's only been like 16 months since we were officially married. I'm not even living with him for god's sake! How am I supposed to be calm with Sheath as my husband??

In the middle of the car ride Sheath asked me a couple of things and I fearfully answered him back thinking about how Aakifah might make jokes about me later on... since that's what she does all the time I spend a little time with Sheath. But thankfully she was asleep... or was she really?

"Since we're going back anyways, my parents told me to get the papers for our marriage ready since you're now old enough to get married." Sheath said as he stopped on a red light close to my house. 

"Oh, okay." I said calmly. But I was super duper happy inside which almost made me grin like an idiot. But I didn't!

"You're not happy about it?" He asked, caught off guard. I frowned at him. 

"We're married already... What's the big deal?" Okay. Now I'm lying. Sheath didn't answer. He stayed quiet and a little disappointed. I grinned, "I was joking. Now we're going to be a married couple legally!" I said like a little kid. He made a face which indicated his attempt for a smile but then back to being normal. Yeah, he was happy about it too.

It was twelve in the afternoon when we arrived at home sweet home. It's weird, but I haven't really lived in it for that long, only a year I guess. I liked it... quite a lot actually. My mom got to the door before any other person could. She had the phone in one hand, a knife in the other and stared horrified at us. 

"I thought you guys said you were coming a day later." My mom said, still trying to believe we were right in front of her. She grinned and pulled us into bear hugs as she said salaam (Islamic greetings among Muslims) to us all. She kept attacking Sheath with bazaar questions. I had to stop her from exploding with triumph.  "I thought Samaar had enough of you so she came back home! Alhamdullillah you guys haven't fought." She said in a wavy but happy tone. I looked at Sheath who stood frozen in horror. I looked at my mom with uneasiness but she still didn't understand that what she said has never come across Sheath's mind. The one who broke the horrifying silence was Aakifah who began laughed uncontrollably. Sheath and I gave a nervous laugh too. 

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