When Dealing With Troubles...

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Samaar's POV

Yusra was basically out of my view because we cut off connection for a full day. A full day? That full day was the longest day of my life. I missed her so much. I felt lost without her but in fact I was actually beginning to realize that I couldn't depend on her for the rest of my life. Today was a Monday and so... I decided to check of my university's *MSA. The Muslim Student Association I joined in high school was over the top. They might have actually ruled the school if the Student Association wasn't at work. The MSA held a lot of game tournaments, play days and even mini festivals. On regular days there would be group meetings involving the knowledge of Islam with jeopardy games and lectures. Well Yusra had a lot to handle, especially since she was balancing the job of a treasurer/secretary and her grade twelve studies at the same time. Have I heard of Conner? Nope. Simply because he and Yusra have been avoiding each other. They don't even say hi to each other, which I think is pretty normal in Yusra's case. 

The last time I talked to Yusra I told her to check out the MSA at her university because I was doing the same. Like me, it was also difficult for her to make friends with other people in her class. She hated the idea of going to a random person and communicating with them. But once she had friends, she's as loud as she can get. It's the exact same for me. But making friends requires the process and in the end I just go with the flow. I honestly couldn't care less what type of people I was talking to as long as it's a girl. 

I walked out of class and saw a bunch of hijabi's making their way to the prayer room. I had a habit of praying all my prayers at home so I always rushed home to pray when I was small. But now I have to rush home to the dorms to pray. Today I had a feeling I should just pray in the prayer area that our school had. I turned right and found myself in the bathroom. Before I realized it, I had already made wudu and I was already slipping my hijab on. I guess I missed out on a lot of sleep because it felt like I was sleep walking. Am I drugged or something? I felt a light stomach ache coming in. I started walking outside and towards the room. Behind the doors I opened I found a huge room divided into two. I saw another entrance door at the front. The prayer hall was amazingly huge. There were thick maroon curtains dividing the room in half.

It was crowded. After praying my zuhr salaah in that room, the curtains were drawn back and all of a sudden I was participating in an MSA meeting. Well technically I wasn't. But I found out that at this moment there was an MSA meeting going on. Before I could turn back and leave the room, two girls approached me.

"Assalamualaykum Sister! Is it your first time coming here?" One of the girls asked. I nodded. She was wearing a black huge loose abaya with a bright red hijab. Her hazel coloured eyes matched her skin colour and she looked beautiful. Her voice was soft and smooth. It made me feel comfortable talking. I was guessing she was from Egypt.  

I smiled at her and nodded. "Walaykumasalaam. It is my first time coming here. I only came to pray but I didn't notice there was going to be an MSA meeting here." The other girl turned to me after looking through a bunch of papers. She smiled wide and said her salaam as well. She was wearing a navy skirt with a white shirt. She looked pretty busy. 

"You're new this year too?" She asked, excited. "What are you majoring in?" She asked. 

"English at the moment." I replied with a smile. Other than Aakifah it was the first time talking to Muslim girls at this university. I was happy, completely happy. 

"You're gonna change it later on?" The busy girl asked me. She had nice dark eyes and I could sort of tell she was Afghan. But then again, I wasn't so sure.  

"Probably. At the moment it's the easiest. And I want to be an honours student. So I'm just doing it for the heck of it." She laughed and so did the other girl. 

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