That Whole Situation

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu!

So I'm asuming you guys prayed right? *glares* Cool. Enjoy! I'm serious though people. As much as I love you guys, I'd never love this story as much as prayer. Please for the sake of Allah, don't abadnon your prayers for this. :) 


Well after getting back to America a week ago... Khatirah literally called me out of class. I gave her a hug after not seeing her for a full month. She hugged me back too a little awkwardly. 

"What's up with you?" I asked, as she just stared at the ground awkwardly.

"I should have told you this in the messages but... I felt like you should know about all this crap in person." I nodded, as I narrowed my eyes and raised my right eyebrow. Then I looked straight up at her. 

"It's with Jaffar, isn't it?" I asked. 

"... That Bastard." She said. I looked at her a little horrified at her language, but then I laughed because from her mouth it didn't even sound like a swear word. She didn't even notice until she heard me laughing. 

"What's wrong?" She asks. 

"You swore."

"Oops." She said with a tired laugh.  "Samaar! Help me! I talked it out with Amarah but ugh, I don't know anymore. It's just annoying. He's been coming after me EVEN during my break. And the worst thing is, he's sucking up to my parents. He keeps begging me to... it's too stupid to say." 

"Just say it." I said calmly with a confused look on my face. 

"Okay, so the thing is.... Um you wanna go hang out at the library so I can tell you?" She asked with pleading eyes. 

"Sure...." I said, knowing that I'd be missing class. But I could probably ask Sareena to record the lecture. "Just one sec." I took out my phone and sent Sareena a text and immediately after a full second passed by, she gave me the thumbs up. Cool, I'm set for today. We started walking towards the library which was in the next building. "Spill it. Every single detail. Amarah told me how you legit blew up like a bomb." 

"Haha... well, you see, I'm completely innocent. I might have thrown a glass flask at the guy, but it was for a good cause." A glass flask??

"And what cause was that?!" I asked, horrified. 

"He was bothering me! It was horrible! I almost cried tears of blood!" 

"Dude! That doesn't mean you can go around cracking people's skulls with a glass flask!" I finished off, trying to calm down. I started laughing for some reason. It was fun talking to Khatirah, especially when she was so unpredictable. She started laughing too but then she stopped. 

"Oh, that's not all though." She said in a low voice.

"Let me guess, he threw one at your head?" I asked. She let out a laugh. 

"Actually no. It's more like, I was a monster the first moment but then I was afraid of myself the next moment so I ran out almost crying, but I didn't cuz you know... I'm just too cool for that." She finished off with a worried look. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Un-hunh." I said sarcastically, "And so the problem is?" I asked.

"I feel really bad... But then I don't cuz he finally stopped coming after me for help."

"This help you're talking about... What exactly is it again?" I asked, not remembering if she told me or not.

"Well... The thing is... His parents are trying to get him married off to a religious girl and he doesn't want to marry her. And his parents love me a lot so if I talked them out of doing so, he'd leave me alone or something like that. Actually he said, he'd do anything if I talked to them for his sake. So I told him to leave me alone and not come near me. But then he told me he won't leave me alone until I actually helped him. He started pesturing me so much that I got super annoyed. And now... I feel guilty for smashing a glass flask into his head." She said, sighing. "The professors don't know a thing about the small white bandaid on his head so it's all good." 

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