Part one: June-30

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Walking up the red dirt road, I wondered about the exam. Because I have never handled a gun before, I am to take the written part. But what would it be on? The parts of the gun? Do we label Diagrams? Or maybe we have multiple choice questions? Possibly open ended questions?

            “Attention First years!” I looked up to  see the wild old man in overalls, “Any of ya who has ever shot a gun stand by that tree. If ya haven’t, go stand by the stage!”

            I watched everyone scrambling and relized only the blue were here. I guess the other teams already left. I let my thoughts slide a little as I stepped to the stage.

            “Listen up!” The old man schreeched, “I’m going to take all of the more experience to shoot  for the exam. The rest of ya, wait for ye teacher. He should be coming along soon! He’s new, so take advantage of that!”

            With that the old man marched off, the experienced group following him a couple of feet behind. The rest stood confused and slightly frightened by him.

            “Are you the blue first years?” a familiar voice barked  on the stage.

            The others turned to look upon the teacher, a few girls smiled excitedly. I froze, Knowing exactly who it was.

            “Alan,” I whispered turning around to look at the tall blonde boy I evaded just that morning.

            He held a shocked expression for approximatly one second and then replaced his wide eyes with hazy ones. His slack jaw tightened into a smile and he clapped his hands.

            “Okay Blue team first years,” He chuckled, “Since it would put too many people in danger if we let you actually shoot a gun when you have never done so before, you will be taken a written exam! Please follow me to the classrooms and have your grade sheets ready.”

             Alan jumped off stage and turned on his heal, starting toward a cabin in the distance. We all followed him, I watched his stiff shoulders and straight arms. His walk reminded me of a soilder I saw in the air port one time. Trained.

            “Riley,” The dirty blonde girl from Tech exam, Stacey I believe, giggled, “We have a Hottie!”

            “Yeah,” I nodded my head, completely focused on Alan’s movements.

            “He is definatley a ten,” She sighed, Alan stopped on the small porch of the building. Turning to face us. He avoided my eye and put his hands behind his back.

            “Please form a single file line and hand me your papers,” He said while bringing his hand out to pick up a thick stack of papers, “Then take one test and enter. Sit at any desk you wish. Pencils and other utensils are provided so do not worry if you didn’t bring one.”

            We formed a single file line, I purposely went to the very back of the line. I waited as the line inched forward, slowly bringing me closer to the mysterious Alan. The boy in front of me took a test and handed over his grade sheet. I was next.

            “Riley Preston,” Alan nodded, taking my grade sheet and grabbing a packet, “your first year here?”

            “Yes,” I nodded, putting on a poker face, “Here.”

            “Ah,” He gave me the packet, “So you’ve been trained in another location and this is all just because testing is manditory?”

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