Part One: June-42

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She was starring to long at that stop sign. Much too long. A hole six seconds. The blonde woman on the side walk in the set up was definitely the spy. I casually crossed the street and walked toward the fake grocery store, towards the woman who was slowly pushing a baby carriage. Right as we were crossing paths, my hands crept into her pocket and swiped the cellphone she was talking on when I entered the exam. She didn’t even flinch.

            I slipped the cell into my pocket with out looking at it and entered the fake grocery store and went to the bathroom. Of course, it wasn’t really a bathroom. It was an observatory room where Mr. Graceson  was watching as I completed my exam. It took the other three students, all of whom were planning to be Field Agents, a total of four and a half hours. I had started my exam three minutes ago.

            “Riley, did you quit?” Mr. Graceson frowned. It was still extremely weird to see my English teacher sitting in this large room with several large television screens. “I expected better than that. I’m extremely disappointed to give you a zero. You-“

            “No, I didn’t quit.” I took the small, silver cell phone out of my short’s pockets, and opened it. When a tore out the hey board, a tiny chip fell out. I picked it up and handed it to him.“I just finished the exam, Mr. Graceson.”

            “Hm so this is why Dean James asked me to put professional spies in the simulation,” He grinned, “You are officially the third person to receive a ten on their entrance exams.”

            Hunter burst through the room before I could reply.

            “How’s she do-“ He stopped and looked at me, “You didn’t start yet?”

            “She finished.” Mr. Graceson held the small, green computer chip. “And she got a ten. Looks like you might have competition.”

            “You sure you haven’t done this before?” Hunter looked right into my eyes, looking for proof I’m lying.

            “I’m sure, Hunter.” I smiled at him, for manners sake. Although we all know I wanted to scream my heart out at the boy. It hurt, too, when I saw he was a little hesitant to accept my answer. “What’s my next exam?”

            “Lunch.” He nodded, “Want to eat with me?”

            “Yeah, sure” I shrugged and turned back to Mr. Graceson to take my examination papers. “Goodbye Mr. Graceson.”

            “Bye Riley,” He chuckeled and rubbed the graying hair on his chin.

            Hunter adjusted something on his watch and opened the door for me. Luckily, he seemed to have relaxed, showing less suspicion of me. I blame Cassidy for his lack of faith in me.

            “Just like Evin…” Mr. Graceson whispered, making me freeze.

            They echoed in my mind, boucing around my brain as a terrible mingrain overcame me. My palm slammed into my forehead before I began to wobble…

            “Evin, where are you?” A low, grumble of a voice entered my mind. It was twisted, like the sound was coming through a tunnel of metal; the sound warboled. “Evin O’Riley, come out and play.”

            “Stay here,” another voice, closer, cleared, and safer, whispered, “no matter what, don’t come out until I tell you to.”

            “I know you’re in here,” The darker voice shouted, “So come out or I’ll burn the entire house down.”

            “I’m right here, Rob,” the nice voice was now cold, deathly, and yet it still comforted me. “What do you want from me?”

            “I wan’t your life, O’Riley,” The dark voice chuckled. My heart pounded in my chest as the sound of metal clanging together, the flat sound of fleshly impact, and determined grunts filled the walls of my mind.

            A loud BANG, the loudest noise I ever heard, suddenly brought everything back to silence. The darkness faded and I found myself looking down an air duct of some sort. It ended with a grate, which was to far to see into the other room properly, but I could see the floor to a certaint extent.

            I felt a scream worthy of any horror film actress when I saw the large pool of blood gathering beneath a man’s hand. As It grew, expanded to stain mor of the concrete floor, the image faded. The extreme head pain subsided….

            And then I woke up in Hunters arms.

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