Part One: June-11

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My cell phone rang,  a  ramba that came with my phone. It was the ring I set specifically for my mother. Of course she’d be checking up on me this early, I was her only child after all.

“Good morning Mother,” I smiled into the phone, trying to make myself sound happy to hear her instead of too tired to care.

“Oh, Riley, I was just making sure you were okay. Now, you did have your own room right?”

“Yes, of couse I did.”

“Okay, that’s nice to know. And is that Hunter boy nice?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Okay, well, I have to take Puck to the Vet to get more of his eardrops. I was just checking in.”


“You’ll call me when you arrive at the camp, right?”

“Of course.”

“Well, I love you Riley.”

“I love you too Mom.”

“Be careful.”

And then she hung up. The way she said be careful though, it was like she know what kind of camp it was. Does my mother know about spies?

“W-was th-a-at yo-our Mom?” Perry asked, sitting on the chair and taking a break from catching the roaches.

“Yeah,” I nodded, still a little wary, “I think she knows about the spy thing.

“I-I-I do-oubt i-it.” Perry shook his head, “Wh-at m-a-a-akes  you thi-ink th-at?”

“She said ‘be careful’ in a weird way,” I said, bringing one of my knees to my chin and letting the other hang off of the bed.

“Sh-e Mi-mi-might ha-ve a feel-el-eling th-at your-r in dang-ger. Bu-ut I d-d-d-d-don’t thi-i-i-imk she kno-ws ex-ac-ac-actly wha-why.”

I was about to respond when Hunter bursted throught the door.

 “Honey I-“ He gave one look at us and raised an eyebrow, “Geeze what happened to you to, you look like just found out the meaning of life.”

“How do you know how a person would react to the meaning of life,” I huffed, “If it was a bad thing they may cry and if it was a happy thing they may smile blissfully.”

“Ah,” Hunter shook his head as he closed the door and set the little box on the table, “But the meaning of life is always the little thing in front of you. So the look would be the shock of you not noticing the meaning until it is almost gone.”

I paused and comtemplated what he was saying. Until, of course, pain shot from my stomach encouraging me to find food. The box Hunter just set down was from dunkin donuts.

“Did you get boston crème?” I asked hopefully. I stood up and tried to look in the box, Hunter’s hand already inside so the top still blocked my view.

“Depends,” He smiled,”what were you guys bonding over?”

“Ju-ust tal-talking abou-out he-er Mommm.”

“I think she knows,” I frowned, “She was telling me to be careful in a weird way.”

“I don’t think she does,” Hunter said, picking up a jelly donut before passing the box to me. “I think she just feels your putting yourself in danger.”

“That-at’s wh-at I-I-I sa-a-ai-aid,” Perry nodded. I took a boston crème and handed the box to him.

“Yes but she usually goes on a rant about safety percautions when she thinks I’m in danger when she doesn’t know why.” I took a big bite of my donut.

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