Chapter 20

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We arrived at the club promptly and inside the warm room with dim lights and music, I was very aware of the handsome boy next to me. We had met up with all the One Direction boys and on arrival were led into an exclusive VIP booth. I smiled inwardly thinking of how new all this was to me. Staring around the club, I felt a thrill of excitement buzz through me, and I reached over for Zayn’s hand, giving it a firm squeeze. He squeezed in return, and with a big hand on my back, in a blatant sign of possession and ownership, he pulled me down and onto his lap. I almost squealed at first contact, I was so taken by surprise.

‘You look stunning tonight, Ariella.’ He whispered and I noticed that we were attracting a lot of attention. I shifted, slightly uncomfortable with all the prying eyes.

‘Thanks’ I whispered and lent backwards, tucking myself into Zayn’s body.

Harry had gone off to get drinks, and Louis was talking with his girlfriend, Eleanor. I had heard of her, but hadn’t yet met her. In all honesty, I even felt a little insecure, seeing as though she was so gorgeous and seemed friendly, confident and outgoing. Outgoing was something I was most definitely not. 

‘Baby, the night’s not even started and you seem tired already’ Zayn’s voice rumbled from behind me.

‘Nah not tired. I was just thinking.’

‘As long as you weren’t worrying’ he replied, which unfortunately brought a stream of memories rushing to the surface. Things I didn’t even want to acknowledge. I wasn’t strong enough yet. To know that someone, someone you loved and trusted, is out to harm you is one of the vilest things that could ever happen.

Not wanting to return to that thought, and desperately trying to forget Lucy and Drew, I began to fiddle with the hem of my dress.

A security guy had already been and taken our coats and I admit to feeling a bit exposed. Not that Zayn hasn’t practically growled at anyone who looked my way. It was kind of cute and charming at the same time.

Niall and Liam occupied the seats beside us and they were currently chatting to girls. Really flirty and annoyingly perfect looking girls. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against pretty people, but when they start acting above other people (like right now), it sort of gets on my nerves. Especially when they start eyeing up my boyfriend.

A laugh sounded behind me, and I felt the chuckle vibrate through me.

‘Stop glaring, El. I’m always yours’ he said, and brought my knuckles to his mouth and pressed a feather light kiss to it.

‘Don’t even lie, you like seeing me jealous’ I glared back at him this time. I wasn’t even aware of doing it before.

‘I’m not even going to pretend like I don’t’

I laughed and got up as Harry came, brandishing drinks. I don’t normally drink alcohol, so I had just ordered a coke.

‘Playing safe, darling?’ Harry winked at me, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll fix that later’ I laughed off his flirtations, thinking he was absolutely ridiculous, yet a lot of fun.

‘Fuck off, Styles’ Zayn shouted, his brows drawn. I shook my head and teased him by shaking my head as if I was reprimanding him.

He just shrugged and I knew he had calmed down when he patted his lap again. This time, however, I came round and sat beside him.

‘Zayn, you’re being anti-social. We can’t just sit here, what about your friends?’ I explained.

‘What about them? I see them all the time. I just wanna spend time with you’ he said in a whiney voice that reminded me of a child. I laughed, finding him impossibly cute. Bending down, he gave my lips a light peck. Cameras flashed and cheers came from around us.

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