Chapter 17

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‘Zayn, is this really going to work?’ I ask, curious and feeling uncertain.

‘Sure it will babe, trust me’ he nods.

‘Famous last words’ I reply, smiling. Strong arms band round my waist and I relax against Zayn.

We are in our favourite café, where we met the second time, and as I melt against Zayn, I’m aware of the presence of a burly bodyguard beside me but I don’t care. Zayn angles my face up for a long searing kiss. Melding his body against mine I worry this might take PDA’s to a new level. Pulling away, I put my hands in his as we take a seat at a table.

The bodyguard, whose name is Tyler (or Ty) took a seat a couple of tables away so he can easily see us, but doesn’t pry into our conversation. He was tall and insanely well-built, with darkly tanned skin, dark hair and a goatee.

A waitress, thank God it wasn’t the slinky one last time, took his order (after taking me and Zayn's) and I smile glad he’s occupied. I would hate that he felt burdened.

‘El, you’re doing it again’ I look up and see Zayn’s gaze following mine. ‘It’s his job’ he says, referring to Tyler.

‘I get that, it’s just going to take some getting used to’ I reply, feeling safe for the first time in months.

‘So baby, I was wondering if you’d like to come out with me and the guys tonight?’

I ponder over this for a second as I don’t usually like going out and am more of a stay at home kind of girl, pretty boring but true. However with Zayn the prospect sounded exciting.

I smile brightly, already planning my  outfit and, I thought happily, his reaction.

‘Definitely’ I lick my lips, intentionally drawing attention to them. This elicits a groan from him and his already dark eyes, dilate.

‘Babe, I need to know what you’re thinking, how you’re feeling about this’ he begins, obviously referring to Tyler.

‘Honestly I didn’t think I’d like the idea of someone following me around. Too much like the stalking that Drew used to do, y’know?’

‘Shit babe, I didn’t even think of that. Damn, I’m so stupid’

Noticing the clear self-hate in his eyes, I put my hands in his and his eyes meet mine. I try to communicate wordlessly all the love for him I feel at that moment.

‘Honey, you didn’t hear me finish. I didn’t think I’d like the idea, but the reality makes me feel so much more comfortable and secure. So thank you Zayn’ I give his hands a squeeze.

‘I love you’ he murmurs, his soft lips pressing into mine.

‘Love you too. But I still feel like maybe you need some protection. Even just for my sanity. I need to know you’re safe as well’

Zayn just laughs, throwing his head back and drawing looks from curious people.

‘Ariella, I’m untouchable’ he says with attitude, purposely popping his collar for emphasis. I laugh at his stupidity, knowing he was joking and he wasn’t actually arrogant at all.

‘Fair enough’ I say because the truth is, he is untouchable. My mind drifts off to all of his fans out there all over the world, dying to fit into the neat little picture we made. I was so lucky to have him and I respected all the other fans who gave him constant support. I did a silent thank you in my head.

Our food came promptly and as we dug in I noticed more and more people surrounding the café. Already a group of girls had approached them, asking for Zayn’s autograph.

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