Chapter 2

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It was late. The moon had replaced the sun, and the darkness tampered the light. Zayn sat in his hotel room, exhausted. They had just performed and were now relaxing and catching up on sleep. Sleep he knew he wouldn’t get. He lay on the bed. Usually this was his favourite time of day. He used it for reflecting on everything.

Today, however, he did not welcome the images of the girl who had rebuffed him. It still stung with the memory of rejection, something he was sure was a myth for him by now. His career meant that girls flocked to him. Like a dream. But not this one. There was, he cringed, something different about her. He hated the cliché but it was true. He had met tons of fans that got nervous and even fainted in his presence. She wasn’t one of them. He had met many who simply spoke calm and confidently to him. She wasn’t one of them either. Maybe she was one of the shy ones, but even they showed interest.

In his mind he pictured her. Ariella. She had dark raven hair that curled delicately around her face softly accenting her oval face. And then her eyes, probably his favourite feature of hers. A piercing and inquisitive blue. Almost violet he bemused. They looked questioning and curious, shy and reserved, mysterious and captivating all at once. He smiled as he saw her flawless complexion and honey skin tone, warm and inviting. She was quite tall with an athletic physique.  And when she smiled…he dared not venture further, distinguishing any softer emotion. He’d seen plenty of beautiful women on a daily basis. She was just another one of them he decided.

‘Zayn, are you coming out?’ Harry called from the other room shattering his mood.

‘Nah, not tonight’ he replied, sleep finally consuming his thoughts.

‘Whoa’ Harry said, popping his head round the door, ‘you sure?’

‘Yeah definitely, I’m too tired right now’ he said, hoping he would leave him be.

‘If you’re sure then..’ Harry said, leaving the topic in the air. Pondering on whether or not to go to the club, Zayn decided that maybe he would. After all, it was the last night of the tour; they should celebrate to another successful year.

‘Actually, I think I might go’, he replied and swiftly got up and followed Harry out the door.

As they walked down the luxuriously furnished hallway, Harry paused and looked at Zayn  questioningly.

‘Do we have a meeting?’ he asked. Without thought he answered himself, not giving Zayn time to respond. ‘Yeah, we do’ he cursed under his breath.

Zayn groaned aloud. They did have a meeting. Every year after a successful tour, Simon Cowell, their manager, usually had a celebratory conference with them. This would generally be in the form of a video chat or, if they were lucky, live from the man himself.

‘Shoot, where is it?’ Zayn asked, slightly annoyed from the untimely interruption.

‘I think it’s in the first floor meeting room, but I’ll text Liam and check’.

Immediately after the text was sent, a reply came instantly from Liam, confirming the location and mentioning how they were all waiting for them.

The boys entered the room quietly, slipping into the chairs in front of the projector and camera. The rest of the group stared straight ahead at the disapproving face of their manager.

‘Late again are we boys? You now, I distinctly remember this same occurrence last year’ his voice boomed and crackled in the air.

Harry and Zayn muttered their apologies, looking at their hands.

‘It’s fine boys. How have we all been?’ Good and fine was the usual reply and so he went on to discuss ‘the matter at hand’ as he put it.

‘I know that you probably think this meeting is just about the tour. Don’t get me wrong, it is completely, but there’s also a favour I need to ask of you. As you know I’m out of London on a business trip, so I need you all to step in and represent me, almost, at a Charity fundraising Gala. It’s for raising awareness and money for children in Africa and developing countries. The charity is called The Dubois Foundation, named after the family who set it up – close friends of mine. Anyway, it would be a great help, and opportunity for you to expand your horizons, as well as looking good for your image. What do you think?’

‘I think it’s a really good idea’ Louis said enthusiastically.

‘Definitely’ piped in Niall. Along with the nodding of several of the other members, they proceeded to take on the assignment.

‘Okay, I’ll forward you the invites, I’ve paid for entry. It’s  a black tie event  and you’ve to be there tomorrow at 6pm sharp. Sorry for the short notice guys.’

Exclamations of ‘tomorrow’ where emphasised as the boys had trouble with the timeframe.

‘It’s okay boys, just take it easy at the club tonight and be ready. The details will be on the e-mail I’ll send. It’s an honour. I have to go now, but Well Done on the tour!’

Without another word, he disconnected himself, leaving the boys alarmed and confused.

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