Chapter: 34

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*Casey POV*
I woke up the next morning to find a happy looking jonas staring at me.

"Ahh! Jonas wha?" I pause "what are you doing!" I say sitting up.

"Watching you sleep" he says widening his eyes.

"Umm ok. Tha-that's pretty creepy" I stutter out while sitting up.

"I'm kidding it's for a YouTube video I'm so sorry!" Jonas says jumping on me and hugging me.

"Oh my God Jonas you scared me!" I say laughing.

"Get ready for school!" He says tripping over my shoes and catching himself.

"That didn't happen" he says walking out taking the camera with him.

As I walked into the school I felt uncomfortable like everyone was staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows yet I still walked on and to my locker.

As I opened the blue metal box, about twenty notes pooled out onto the ground. People around me laughed as I bent to pick a few up.

'Hey younow girl let me know when ricegum roasts you'

'Get a life w*ore'

A tear streamed down my cheek as I read several of these notes. I wiped off the tear and put on a cold stare as I slammed shut the locker and walked to my first class.


"Hey girl! There isn't a lip syncing class here!" A girl with menacing eyes and a perfect smile sneers.

"Really? I've been looking for it this whole time" I sarcastically throw back.

"At least I have a talent" she says smiling and flipping  her platinum blonde hair over her skinny shoulders.

"Leave her alone Tess" Ashton says sternly from next to me.

"Oh no, don't let your lip syncer boyfriend find out you're cheating on him with someone who is actually talented" Tess sasses throwing her hands up.

"You know who is really talented, your man"

"Ohhhh" the entire class rung out.

Tess bit her lip and glared daggers at me.

And that my friends is how I gained an arch nemesis. 

At lunch I sat down with my food at an empty table and pulled out my phone. 

"That wasn't smart you know" I hear Ashton say before he sits next to me.

"Hmm?" I hum in questioning.

"Making Tess your enemy. Tess has been queen bee for so long even the upperclassmen just let her do her thing. Mostly because she had an older sister here that swore if she didn't rule everyone would be socially ex-eh-cute-ted" Ashton says dragging out the last word making me laugh.

"I'd like to see her try " I smirk.


"Hey babes how was school?" Nicole asks me from where she sat on the couch.

"It was ok, what about you?" I ask plopping down next to her.

"Well, home school sucks. I wish I could just go to school with Jonas" she whined.

"I'm sorry Nicole" I say making a sad face which made her laugh.

"Thanks for the sympathy Casey !" She yells throwing a pillow at my face.

"What is going on in here?" Jonas asked his eyes wide.

"Run!" I yell arming myself with pillows.

"We are coming for you chicken legs!" Nicole screams as Jonas flees the room for his life.

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