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"Hey poptart! Hand me my phone will ya?!" I yell causing Justin,Mak and Julian to burst out laughing.

"Sure " Julian says narrowing his eyes throwing me my phone.

"You still like poptarts right?" Julian ask laying down on marios bed next to me.

"Hmmm... I guess so" I say making him smirk and playfully shove me.

"Well poptart, Jovani, Janessa and Casey I think we are gunna hit the hay" Mak announces patting poptart- I mean Julian on the shoulder.

"Night" everyone in the room yells. And with that mak and Justin exited the room holding hands.


I walked with Justin down the hall when I spotted a really pretty blonde girl looking around the hotel and then back at her phone with a lost and confused look on her face.

"Excuse me uh, are you Nicole, Nicole Bridges?" I ask her putting my arm out yo stop justin from continuing to walk.

"Um yeah I am, so I take it you know Jonas. Where is he exactly" she says with a laugh.

"406 Marios room" I say with a smile.

"Thanks" she says continuing down the hall.

"That's Jonas's sister" I say grabbing Justin's hand as we entered the elevator.

"Yeah I got that" he chuckled. My mind trailed off but my eyes stayed locked on Justin's face.

"Quit checking me out" he says without looking at me.

"No your mine" I say causing him to look at me. The elevator door dinged and Justin picked me up by my waist throwing me over his shoulder.

"No your mine" he says and I could practically hear the smirk on his voice.

"Put me down your gunna pull a muscle!" I exclaim.

"No I'm good I got strong shoulders" he says attempting to tap his shoulders but missing and smacking my butt.

"Watch it" I say in a low voice playfully.

"My bad" he says doing it again before putting me down and opening the door for me.

"I hate you"

"Love you to"

I rolled my eyes and prepared to go to bed.


I sat very close to Jonas he had an arm wrapped around me and my head was on his shoulder. The door swung open revealing a almost intimidatingly pretty blonde girl. Jonas gasped and lightly lifted himself from the ground and rushing to hug her.

"Nicole !" He yelled hugging her tightly.

"Jonas ! I missed you so much!" She says hugging her back.

"It's only been a month Nicole" Jonas says pulling her arm over to where I sat on the floor near Mario and Blake.

"This is Casey my girlfriend" he says making my heart beat faster. It gets me every time. I stand and hug her.

"Hi it's so nice to finally meet you!" I say with a smile. Jonas moved to my side wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You to! Jonas talked about you so much I feel like I already know you!" She says causing Jonas to blush and give her a look that read 'shut up'. I laughed and rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Yeah I've heard about you a lot to" I say casually looking to Mario who stared at Nicole star struck.

Nicole then walked to Mario and began a conversation causing me to smile. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them together drawing a heart around them and sent it to Mario. He opened it bad looked to me with a smirk. But when I looked up I realized Jonas had seen what I did and glared angrily and confused at Mario and then back to me questionably.

"Hahahah umm your hot?"

"Really ?!" He says before shaking his head snd then gaining his sense. I leaned up and kissed him trying to keep him from looking at Mario.

"I love you so much" he says with a smile and a laugh.

"I loveeeee" I say getting up and laughing.

"That's not fair" Jonas says laughing running after me.

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