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I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling just thinking About Jonas and mark. I heard my door creak open and felt someone plop down next to me and turned to see mark.

"What are we doing?" He asks after a minute of looking at the ceiling.


"Oh" he says and looked back to the ceiling.

"I've got nothing" mark says causing me to laugh and swing a pillow at him.

"If you would stop talking maybe you could think straight!" I say laughing as he agreed with my statement.

"True, or I could stare at you while you think" he says causing me to roll my eyes and stand up from the bed and walk out the door. I then ran into Jonas.

"Woah" he says as I steady myself.

"It's Jonas" I finish for him with a wink causing him to smile and chuckle.

"What were you doing up here?" He asks me leaning against the wall.

"Oh I was just talking to mark" I say with a nod.

"Talk about anything interesting?" He asks raising his eyebrows "boys?!"

"Yes I talked about boys with my gay best friend mark" I say sarcastically as mark came around the corner throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"YASS girl lets go shopping!" He says sarcastically before shaking his head removing his arm and heading downstairs into the basement.

"So I was thi-" I started before I was interupted
By Jonas kissing me lightly.

"I was sick of pretending I didn't wanna do that, because I did" he rushes out scratching the back of his neck.

"Same here" I say with a smile. I know I should have probably thought about it more but Jonas has always been more of a crush than mark. Mark will always be there for me, don't get me wrong so will Jonas but mark will be number one, and now he will have to do it as just my best friend.


I have noticed an increasing amount of hate on my page after Julian and I officially started dating. I was expecting this so I wasn't to fazed by it. After a minute of scrolling through Twitter I realized Jonas had posted a tweet that read:

'🔒 she stole the key...'

I then continued to scroll and saw that Casey had posted a tweet was well:

'🗝 I stole the key 😊💓'

"Janey is real!!" I scream running around the house looking for Jonas and Casey. (The same thing I did when mak and Justin started dating).

I found then sitting on the couch in the basement together watching a movie all snuggled under a blanket.

"It's real aww look at you to I can't believe it" I exclaim crushing Casey cheeks between my hand.

"Calm down baby girl your gunna kill her" Julian says from behind me hugging me from behind. I completely melted in his arms at the fact of being called this pet name.

"Ok." I say allowing him to lead me to a different couch near Casey and Jonas and do the same as them.

"Is this where the couples hang out?" Mak asks with a smile.

"Apparently so" Jonas says squeezing Casey tighter in his arms. I then looked up to Julian who had a smirk and began to tickle me.

"Please!! Stop I can't breathe" I manage to gasp out.

"Justin!" Mak yells "we have to be apart of this !" She yells to him plopping down on a couch waiting for him. When he walked down he took his spot and wrapped an arm around her kissing her forehead.


All of us were snuggled in with our baes and I felt so happy that Janessa and Casey have someone to be there for them like Justin is for me. I have never been happier in my life and I know that's how my two best friends feel. I then felt my phone buzz and heard everyone else's ringtones go off. Furrowing my brows I pulled out my phone to check out the situation. I opened it to see a text from the magcon people about the tour.

'Hellloo ! Your tour preparations are all set we have moved your flight to next week so you will be staying in the hotel for one week. With love, magcon team'

"Great" I state digging my face into Justin's chest.

"What's wrong Mak ?" Justin asks hugging me tighter into his arms.

"I wanna stay here with you, I also don't know if I'm ready to face all the hate" I say ashamed of my cowardly ways.

"What about all the support you will face" Justin says looking at the bright side with a cute smile.

" I can handle it if your there" I say kissing him nicely before turning back to the movie and snuggling closer.

"You know what im getting pretty tired" I state to no one in-particular.

"Goodnight" everyone I'm the now very dark basement chorused. I stood from my spot and dragged Justin with me up the stairs and to my room where I crawled under the covers and curled in a ball Justin lied next to me causing the bed to sink he then wrapped an arm around me. I went straight to sleep.


After Julian and Janessa went up to bed I turned to Jonas and began to tell him we should go up to bed as well.

"It's getting late we-" I was cut off by Jonas smashing his lips into mine and before I knew it we were having a full in make out session. Just as I pulled away with a smile I heard footsteps right behind the couch.

"At this point... I'm done being an adult!" Cameron bursted out "f it do what u want I don't care I tell you no PDA in my house what do I see flippen make out session in my basement!" Cameron ranted t pacing around the room turning the tv off and fixing blankets that had been thrown.

" thanks mama cam but we don't need a maid" I say causing Jonas to cough holding in laughter.

"Get out of my basement or I might slap your arrogant little rule breaking amsjdjeidisisisisisi" he says making choking motions with his hands. I could tell he was kidding by his eyes though he put on a good act.

"Goodnight cam " I say pulling Jonas by his hand up the stairs.

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