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The boys and I were walking down the sidewalk near the hotel when a group of girls came up and asked to take pictures with them. I stepped to the side and let them take pictures. After they were done we walked into a Starbucks where I ordered my favorite latte and the boys ordered whatever they pleased. Jonas insisted on paying for mine so I let him.

"What do we do now" Mark says as we stopped out side Starbucks to figure out a plan.

"We should get back the show is tomorrow" Jonas suggests and we all agree.

Upon arriving in the hotel I headed to the elevator and clicked the button to get to the floor where my friends and I would be staying. Mario clicks the floor for his and jovanni clicks the one for him and Jonas. When the door opened up to three I went to get off and Jonas followed me off.

"What" he says asking why I was staring at him. The elevator door shuts with a ding startling me and causing me to keep walking. I got to our room and unlocked it with the key Turing to Jonas.

"Thanks for walking me to my room but I can handle myself until Mak and Janessa get down here in like 2 minutes " I say raising an eyebrow.

"Ok good night Casey!" He says with a smile. Him saying my name made my stomach flip. Why this boy of anyone, the only boy I would never see after tomorrow night.

"Good night Jonas" I say closing the door behind me and flopping down on my bed staring at the white textured ceiling. And then I fell asleep. For three minutes.

"Ceeeee wake up h my god can we talk about what happened I still think it was to-to"  Mak struggles finding the word.

"Cliche. And yes that was really weird" I say sitting up from where I layed previously.

"I think Julian likes me, I mean I kissed him and he kissed me and then we talked forever and he didn't even wanna stop the conversation!" Janessa says smiling from ear to ear.

"Same with Justin, he kinda opened up to me he told me stuff I never would have known if I would have met him for two minutes at the show." Mak admits.

"What about you and  Jonas?"  Janessa questions.

"It's nothing" I say hiding my blush.

"He wouldn't have posted only the pictures that had you in it and asked YOU to be in his broadcast if it were nothing" Janessa preaches to me with a hand on her hip. I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my bed to sleep.
The next day we woke up and got ready to go see the show. I practically was excited to see it,I feel like I'm about to watch my best friends concert or something. Mak and Janessa made signs with lights on them but left them at the hotel because they figured they were already noticed enough. The had all of their numbers for goodness sakes.

When we got to the show and waited for it to start they played the sweet music and we all sang along. I met a few girls who asked to take a picture with Jonas' girlfriend. I took a picture but informed them we weren't dating. Janessa and Mak had the same problem especially Mak who posted a few musical.lys with Justin and got a bit of hate on her page.

And then the boys came on the stage. And my heart stopped.

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