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(Day before leaving for tour)
I woke up snuggled into Julian's arms he was slightly murmuring in his sleep so I decided sit up and gently press my lips on his cheek. His perfect eyes fluttered open and his cheeks lifted into a smile causing me to laugh.

"What a great way to wake up" Julian says in his raspy morning voice.

"I'll make not of that" I say with a wink causing him to smirk and sit up.

"We go on tour tomorrow" Julian stated in a trance staring at the wall.

"I know, but I have you and I have my best friends " I say ruffling his hair and pushing him off the bed.

"I am not a dog" he says groaning and sitting up from the floor.

"More like a puppy, come on Fido lets go get some breakfast" I sat brushing past him and walking out the door.

"Woof" I hear him huff out dragging his feet. Julian is not a morning person.


Justin shook me awake telling me he was ready to get up.

"Go to bed you weirdo" I say to him fluttering my eyes open only to be met with his perfect ones staring at me.

"This is getting old you checking me out you know" Justin states after a minute of me staring.

"Nope" I say kissing his cheek and rolling out of bed. As I crept down the stairs Justin not far behind me I realized Janessa and Julian were cooking breakfast.

"Wow it smells..... great" I say coughing at the smell of smoke. And the the fire detectors went off. Cameron came rushing out of his room holding a fire extinguisher screaming. 

"DONT BURN MY HOUSE DOWN JULIAN JARA!" He sprayed the black mass in the pan with the spray and stopped the smoke detectors loud beeping. 

"What the hell is going on!" Casey yelled coming into the kitchen holding Jonas's hand. She then looked to Julian who still had a chef hat and wooden spoon in his hand.he was covered in flour.

"I-I I was just making eggs for everyone and then smoke lots of smoke -"

"You don't need flour to make eggs " I say with a confused and disappointed look on my face.  Julian looked at Janessa with a glare that said I told u so.

"I told you we didn't need flour!" Julian yelled chasing them to argue.

"I'm just getting over the fact that first you kids break my rules then u almost burn my house down!" Cameron says in his mama cam voice we all love.


I woke up to Cameron running around with a fire extinguisher in his hands screaming while a loud alarm caused everyone in the house to gather in the kitchen. And we go on tour tomorrow.


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