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(MAK.           JANESSA.          CASEY.         NICOLE)

(Found these outfits but they had four so Nicole gets one to!)


That morning I woke up very late and rolled over in my bed. I groaned and pulled myself up Realizing Julian wasn't there. I looked over to the other bed and noticed Casey And Jonas fast asleep.

"Where the heck did Julian go?" I ask out loud.

"Down here" I heard a voice say from the floor.

I looked down to see Julian on younow broadcasting by himself looking quite hilarious. I then couldn't control my laughter and I fell onto the floor next to him waking up Casey and Jonas.

"I don't understand what is so funny" he says crossing his arms and making a over exaggerated sad face. I threw my arm around his neck and looked into the camera of the laptop.

"Comment an L if you know why I'm laughing" I say as I watch Casey groan holding on to Jonas like he was a teddy bear causing him to peel her off. I looked back to the computer to see Ls everywhere.

"There you go. Any way who am I meeting!" I say asking the laptop taking over his broadcast with a smile.

'Me! #julianesssforlife'
'I hope we never meet uhhgggllly'
'I'm here for Julian not Janessa'

"Well we are a package deal so..." I reply to the hate and positive comments and then let Julian take over again.


Justin has woke me up early today to get breakfast and just to talk a bit. We sat in the hotel cafe with our food hoping fans wouldn't bombard us and tip of other fans as to where we are. I sat and ate my cereal until I noticed Nicole sitting by her parents looking very annoyed.

"Hey Nicole! You are welcome to sit with us if you'd like" I say with a warm smile offering the seat next to me. She mouthed the words 'thank you' to me before bringing her meal to our table.

"I was about to die" she said as she plopped down.

"I'm glad my parents aren't here" I say Justin nods in agreement with wide eyes. Nicole and I laughed at Justin's expression but continued to carry a nice conversation.

"So uh, you and Mario huh?" I say circling my straw around my cup.

"Yeah looked like you to are really good 'friends'" Justin adds exaggerating on the friends part. 

"What are you guys match makers back off" Case says laughing coming around the corner.  Nicole still hadn't said a word but was blushing horribly.

"Mario can lay off my sist-" Jonas started to say before Casey stuffed a bagel in his mouth.

"She is perfectly fine! Relax Nicole I've got your back" Casey says with her signature 'I have a plan but it is a horrible plan' look.

"No Casey no more horrible stupid plans" I say throwing my hands up.

"Yeah the last time you had a plan I ended up chocking on a marshmallow." Justin stated with a scared look on his face.

"Yeah I had three bruises on my back" Jonas admits.

"Oh shut up my plans aren't that bad!" Casey says before Mark came around the corner and yelled.

"Yes they are!!" Causing everyone at the table to laugh.


After being harassed about how bad my ideas are I decided that I should probably re think my plan. I then decided Nicole should drop small hints and let me do the heavy lifting. Speak of the devil I thought as I ran right into Mario in the hallway.

"Hey Mario!" I say with a smile causing him to smile back.

"Hey Cee what's up?" He asks me walking with me as I headed to my room.

"Nothing much, but hey umm I know  that you like  Nicole  right" I ask slowly causing him to stop and blush.

"Yeah why?" He asks me hopefully.

"You might just have a chance with her" I say with a smile walking into my room where Jonas sat on the bed.

"What Casey let me in we need to talk!"Mario yelled banging on the door.

"Shut up Mario I'm busy just take matters into your own hands!" I yell back.

"What was that about?" Jonas asked me setting his phone down.

"Oh nothing lets film this you tube video. "

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