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I sat comfortably next to Jonas after he removed his arm to text with two hands.

"I'm gunna broadcast on you now" Jonas announces setting everything up. Everyone else said they didn't wanna get in the broadcast so he sighed frustrated.

"Casey will you broadcast with me?" He asks. I rolled my eyes at his puppy dog face but walk over to sit on a chair next to him.

"Hey guys!" Jonas beams "sorry for the later broadcast but I though I should talk to you all!" He says starring at the computer screen with a smile. I smiled as well and the comments lit up saying things like :
'Who is she?!'
'She's so pretty'
'Are you guys dating'
'What's her name'

Jonas noticed me reading them and looked over at me. So I talked.

"Hey everyone I'm Casey!" I say sweetly to all the viewers. Once again the comments:

'She's so sweet'
'I ship it'
'She's ugly'
'I'm better for you than her'
'What's her Instagram/snapchat and Twitter?!'

"If you added me on snapchat I'll put her Instagram in my story" Jonas says handing me his phone. I gestured for him to unlock it which he did and I went to his snapchat. I then took a picture of us on the you now screen:

'For those of you who asked my Instagram is @casey23'
(fake username guys don't search it unless you want to)

I then handed Jonas his phone and walked over to where Justin and Mak sat on the floor.

"Hey Justin hey Mak!" I say cheerily.

"Hey, what's up" Justin says.

"Oh nothing I'm just bored I wanna do something!" I say. Mark then waltzes over with his phone in his hand.

"Lets go find some Pokemon!" I laugh but shrug and follow him to the door.

"Wait!" I hear Jonas yell Mario tagging along behind him.

"Leggo" I say dancing over to the elevator. I guess I trust these guys a lot more than I did before. It baffles me how fast they gained my trust, I even left Mak and Janessa behind. As the elevator almost shut jovani raced through the crack just in time.

"Whew that was close!" He says tiredly "Julian stayed with Janessa, I think he might have a crush after one day" jovanni rolls his eyes.

"I've spotted a Pokemon!" Mark yells zooming in on my forehead where he shrunk an emoji down to fit just between my eyes. I went cross eyed and Mark laughed posting it on his snapchat story.

" those girls are gunna hate me, they think I'm dating Jonas" I laugh out loud with fear of being murdered by an army of thirsty 14 year old girls.

"I wouldn't let them hurt you" Jonas says with a wink.

"I will choke you-"

"Ooook" he says clambering out of the elevator.

Is it bad that when he said that I got butterflies in my stomach?


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