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After the incident with the eggs Julian and I were put in 'time out'. We weren't aloud to touch anything or anyone. Casey had even taped out thumbs down.

"Is this really necessary, I mean it wasn't that bad" I state holding up my duct taped hands Julian did the same.

"No big deal you just almost burned the house down" Casey says laughing and throwing her hands up with the tape in her left hand.

"You realize you and Jonas were the ones who brought mama cam outta her shell right?" She then took a piece of duct tape and put it over my mouth waving as she left the room.


"We start our tour tomorrow" I sang out wrapping my arms around Justin's torso from behind him. He placed his hands on my own.

"Yup" he says turning to me and wrapping his arms around me. I as I looked into Justin's eyes I realized that I love this boy. I don't know what I would do without him.

"I love you" I blurted mindlessly. I heard his breath hitch.

"I love you to mak" he replied in casing me seemingly forever in a hug that I never wanted to end.

"Hey Cam said we're going out to kick off tour so make yourselves presentable-" Casey said the last parts in slow motion backing out and closing the door to the room.

"We should probably get going I'm starving" I started but I was cut off by Justin.

"Yeah" he said before he crashed his lips into mine and pulled me closer.

"Ok now we can go" Justin say shaking my hand and pulling my practically paralyzed body down the stairs where I plopped down next to Casey melting into the couch while Justin exits the room.

"What happened why do you look like a constipated alpaca?" She asks looking up from her phone. I heard Janessa laugh and Casey snigger.

"It's not funny" I tell smacking her arm causing her to massage her arm and give me a dirty look.

"What happened then" Janessa asks sitting up on the couch.

"I think I really like Justin like a lot" I say slowly.

"We know" Janessa and Casey say perfectly in sync.

"I told him I love him even though it's not a big deal I feel like it is and he said it back and now I don't know what to do and ughgg" I rushed out. Knowing my friends I knew they heard every word.

"Wow... I'm still tryna figure out how to date and keep up with mama cam and her rules" Casey states bluntly and surprised. As if on cue Jonas showed up and announced it was time to leave.

"Good luck" she wished me as she followed Jonas out of the room.

And with a huff I followed them out.


(Back at house)

"Goodnight mark, Joey and Blake!" I yell as I waked drowsily up the stairs to my bedroom. I plopped down on the bed and rushed under the covers instantly becoming tired.

"Hey" Jonas says plopping down next to me.

"Goodnight Jonas go to bed" I say nestling into the comfortable bed.

"K bye" he says sitting up. I pulled him back down by the back of his shirt. He then plopped under the covers and threw an arm over me kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight beautiful"

"Goodnight Jonas"

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