Chapter: 37

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Scratch what I said before. Forget it. I'm done, 100%. This school is awful.

"That is your essay?" Ashton asks popping another apple slice in his mouth. I sigh closing my laptop and laying my head on the lunch table.

"No. yes. Ugh. I haven't been here long enough to know what I like" I complain about my writing assignment to Ashton.

"I could tell you what I like about this school if it will help" he suggests raising an eyebrow.

"Hmmm. Lemme see. No" I finish sarcastically smiling shoving my things into my bag and standing.

"You're no fun" Ashton rolls his eyes. I stopped glaring at him.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" I over exaggerated sarcastically.

"Whatever" he finishes. I then got a call from Mark.

"Hello" I ask into the phone.
"Hey Cee. We are picking you up right now"
"I can't skip school Mark!"
"Can and will"
"No I actually-"
"Ok we're here come on out" and with that he hung up.

"Ugh" I say to no one in particular turning to exit the school.

"Who was that your .. boyfriend" Ashton said it like he was tasting something bitter.

"No. Ash I'm gunna be right back. I am not going with them right now" I continued walking and noticed Ashton walking beside me.

"Im coming with you" he says and I decided not to argue. When I walked outside I saw a car full of my best friends. Mario was driving.

"Oooooo! Look Case is cheating on Jonas !" I hear a voice I didn't recognize.

"Who said that?" I question and I see someone's head pop up.

"Zachary !" I yell running to the car and throwing open the doors.

"Hey Casey!" Zach (aka bruhitszach) says jumping out of the car and into my arms.

"I missed you!" I say smiling. Zach and I have only met once at a convention and we instantly became friends. Noticing Ashton standing awkwardly beside me but with a confident stance that made him look tough. But I could see right through it. "Oh, this is my best friend Ashton. Ashton this is Mark, Mario, and Weston and of course you know Nicole " Ashton has came over to my/Jonas's house many times so he knew Nicole. But everyone else is new.

"Hello" he says with a curt nod causing a frown to appear on my face.

"Ok let's go" mark says pulling Zach back into the car.
"No. I'm staying  at school, I have an essay to finish" I nod beginning to walk off when Weston yells after me.

"Please come with us !" I whip around to him.
"I can't. You know that. Have fun be safe loves!" And with that I walked off Ashton putting a hand on my shoulder as if to make sure I wouldn't turn and run back to the car.

"We have a project to finish" Ashton says in a sing song voice as we walked out of the school.

"I know. Your place or mine?" I question slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Mine. I'm driving" he says with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes.
"The motorcycle." I sigh following him to the jet black, death machine. Ashton pulls a rose gold metallic helmet that he got especially for me (I told them if I died I would die in style).
"I hope all of your internet boyfriends don't get mad if you hold on tight" Ashton jokes sitting on the seat as I followed suit. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pressed against him putting my chin on his shoulder.

"Shut up and go" I say rolling my eyes (a thing I do often).

"Whatever you say princess" he says with a fake venom that made my blood run cold and then I realized it was a joke. Before I had the time to think Ashton and I were off. The smell of gas and the sound of the motorcycle consumed me and I couldn't help but smile. No worries about death threats from hormonal eleven year old girls, no hate comments, I forgot it all. And for a moment.. I forgot Jonas to.

Upon arriving to Ashton's house, a very large one for that matter (his parents are both doctors), I had tears in my eyes. I pulled the helmet off of my head and set in the box under the seat of the motorcycle.
"Hey what's wrong princess" it's sort of becoming a thing, Ashton will call me princess to mock Jonas. At first I was offended but then I learned it was also a form of affection, so I accepted it.

"I-- well I forgot for a minute there" I nod knowing that I shouldn't lie to him. I have no reason to. Ashton being talker than me pat my head and smiled.

"About what Casey ?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Everything. Social media, hate comments, school.... Jonas" I looked down ashamed that I forgot my own boyfriend the one I love.

"I must be quite the charmer to make you forget about all of that" Ashton smirks shuffling me along to his front door. I smack his hand off of me playfully and continued to walk.
"Let's get this history of music project over with" Ashton says crunching another potato chip. "I wouldn't want you to forget your boyfriend completely. What a tragic event that would be" I roll my eyes and throw a notebook at his face.

Call from : Jonas 🌚❤️

"Hello love" I say into the phone with a goofy smile.

"Speak of the devil" Ashton says begging to clean up the mess we made while doing our project.

"Hey um can you get a ride home from whichever friends house your at. Sooner rather than later we need to talk" Jonas says I'm a shaken voice.

"Yeah Ash can bring me home, I'll be there soon."

"Ash.... Ok" he pauses a considerable pause between the two word response.

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