Chapter Five- I Missed You...

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Chapter Five- I missed you...

Wenny made her way to the front door, and Ashton drove slowly out of the driveway, giving the youngerj girl a levelled look. He hadn't said a word to offer any confidence, but Wenny knew he would be checking in on her later to make sure everything was ok; it was his job and he did it well.

The door swung open and Wenny continued into the house, leaving her shoes at the door, and Payton followed her, filling his usual spot on the couch. Anne, being the last to enter the house, closed the door behind her, looking around the flat in amazement.

"I always knew that you'd live somewhere impressive, but this..." she breathed, gesturing around the flat. Her eyes were the size of saucers. "This is brilliant Wenny; why in your right mind are you selling the place?"

Wenny dumped her bag on the kitchen counter, and turned to face her mother, crossing my arms across her chest, and leaning against the cold marble, feeling unimpressed. "Because unwanted guests keep finding their own way onto my property." she bit back, her mouth forming a tight line.

Anne gave her daughter a scrutinizing look. "Ouch." she said simply. "You didn't used to be so snappy when you were younger."

Wenny admitted to herself that she felt guilty for being so nasty, but refused to take the comment back. It was obvious she was still hurt over the events with Harry, and in her opinion, she had every right to be.

Wenny sighed at her mother's attempt to avoid the subject. "What are you doing here, Mum?" she asked, not even hesitating for the slightest second.

"What? A mother can't even talk to her own daughter? Honestly Wednesday, I haven't seen you for three years, that's a bloody long time, and I'm not sure why you haven't spoken to me. Please, can't we just get over the nonsense feud between the two of us? Your issue is with your brother, not with me."

Anne watched as Wenny's eyes tightened at the mention of her son, but eventually sighed, giving in. "Of course my issue is with you. You could have done something, Mum. You knew how Harry had been treating me. You knew for years, yet you did nothing, which only encouraged him more. You did nothing, so why should I just drop all hostility towards you just because you ask for it?"

Anne sighed sadly, avoiding her daughter's fierce gaze. Wenny was right. She ignored Harry's bad behaviour because in truth she had no idea how to discipline him. She wasn't the type of person to raise her voice, or be strict. She left that to her late husband, but after he died, Anne lost total control over her children, mainly Harry, but even still, Wenny did what she wanted, when she wanted; the twins became horrifyingly independent without her.

"I don't like this, Mum." Wenny announced breaking her mother out of her pondering thoughts, giving her a desperate look. Anne was still trying to get over the hurt of Wenny's harsh comment, but didn't let it show.

"What don't you like?" Anne asked, trying to understand. "I want to be able to fix this, Wenny. I want my daughter back again, not this distant memory. I've missed you."

"It's not something that will be easy to fix. I have years of anger pent up inside of me." Wenny said quietly, fidgeting with the fraying placemats on the kitchen bench.

"What can I do?" Anne begged.

"Nothing. I've had enough. I want you to leave."

With a huff of annoyance, Anne began yelling at her daughter.
"What's your problem, Wednesday? At least I'm trying to make amends."

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