Chapter Twenty-Four

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It had been hours since I had left the house. I sat in a booth against the window in a small cafe downtown. Looking at my watch I read the time 11:52am. Sighing I stared at the street. Cars rushed past as people headed home for lunch. The cafe was nearly empty. I pondered over what I might say. In all honesty, I had no clue. I've been here half an hour waiting, thinking, yet I have come up with less than nothing. This man was a perfect stranger yet we were connected in a way different from anyone else, that is if he doesn't have another child. Shaking my head, I brought my palms to my face.

This was too much, too sudden. I grabbed my purse to leave but stopped short. Walking back to the booth, I sat down. I had to stay no matter how much I wanted to leave. I must stay. The answers can wait. First things first, I should get to know him before bombarding him with questions. My nerves tingled. Biting my lip, I watched several cars pull in. One could be him. That thought was terrifying. Taking a shaky breath, I watched the door. Terror coursed through me, I could barely even remember what he looked like. 

A short brunette walked in, her hair bouncing with each step. Shaking my head, I brought my attention back to the door. I willed it for it to be him yet I also hoped he wouldn't show. After several minutes a tall man walked in. HIs black hair swept casually to the side. Slowly he surveyed the cafe. HIs green eyes reached me. Pulling his lips into a smile, he walked towards me. His five-o-clock shadow made him seem somewhat older. 

Taking a breath, I watched him reach my table. He looked to be in his mid-thirties. "Abigail, it's nice to see you again," he said taking a seat. His voice was deep and calm. "You too," I replied. "I'm so glad you called. I've been thinking about you nonstop-I'm sorry it's just I've looked forward to this moment for a while now," He said. "It's okay," I said quietly.

Smiling, he opened his mouth about to say something. "Hello. I'm Kaitlyn." I let out a quiet sigh of relief. The waitress looked down at us. "Are you ready to order," she asked. She had long, wavy blonde hair, and light brown eyes. Freckles were dotted across her face. Kaitlyn had a warm smile.She looked about nineteen. Her beauty radiated off her. It was suctle yet evident at the same time.  "Yes," I replied.

"Can I have a strawberry lemonade," I asked. "Mhmm," she hummed in response. "Thank you," I said. "And you sir?" "A coke," he replied. "All right, I'll be right back with your drinks." Kaitlyn hurried off. 

"So... Do you have any other kids," I asked. He nodded slowly. "Are you estranged too?" He shook his head. "Oh," I trailed off. Something about that hurt me. The fact he has another kid out there and hasn't abandoned them hurt. I guess I had hoped that he was just like that. That this had nothing to do personally to do with me or my mother. But who am I kidding? It is personal. 

"I have two kids," He said filling the silence. "I have a girl and a boy. Christina and Karev. Christina is only a little younger than you, she's sixteen. And Karev, he's-uh fourteen. They've grown up so fast. They know about you. I couldn't keep it from them. They're my everything. Christina is dying to meet you while Karev could care less but you know how teenage boys are. I'm married. Have been for seventeen years. Merideth, my wife wants to meet you too," he continued.

"So you moved on pretty quick.." "No, no. I cared it's just i couldn't wait around. I had a life, I couldn't just put it on pause. You get that right?" "John, I-" "Here you go," the waiter said butting in. I was starting to like this waiter. She came in at all the right moments. Kaitlyn was being a real life saver. "A strawberry lemonade for the lovely lady, and a coke for the handsome gentleman." "Thank you," I said. She nodded. "Anything else?" "No," I responded before John could. "We're good," I told her smiling politely. Nodding she walked off.

I watched her leave for a moment before turning to my father. His brows were furrowed and mouth was open, but he said nothing. "What," I asked. "Yo-nothing, nothing at all," he said smiling. "So any boyfriends," he casually asked. "Nope, I'm focusing on my studies. Boys will come later," I replied. It wasn't all a lie, I was focusing on school, but then again I did want a girlfriend. I didn't need one but it'd be nice. I took a long drink. "Any girlfriends," he asked while I was still drinking. I nearly spit up my drink. Coughing I looked at him. "What," I responded. "Any friends, that are girls," He said. "Ohh, kinda. I used to have a lot but then the accident happened and they all kinda disappeared," I said.

"Oh, I see. At least you found out sooner than later," he said. "I guess," I mumbled. Here's the check. Reaching out to grab it, I was stopped. He put in a twenty. "Well, it was nice seeing you," He said getting up. "You too," I said. "Bye." "Bye." I sighed as he walked away. Slumping back into the seat I finished my drink. Standing, I grabbed my purse and walked towards the door. "Wait," someone called. Stopping I looked back. Kaitlyn, our waiter rushed towards me. "Here," she said panting, placing a paper in my hand. I looked down to see a paper with her number. "Call me," she said. 

Looking at it then her, I opened my mouth. "How'd you know I was-" "Lucky guess," she said smiling. She walked away. I watched her walk, mesmerized and stunned. She turned her head back and mouthed, "Call me." Smiling, I walked outside.

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