Chapter Seven

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I lay on a plastic bed, no cushion. From the signs outside, I knew I was in CT. Overhead was white. I could hear them talking. It was very faint. A long groan escaped my lips. Everything hurt. Above I heard the motor working. With nothing to do, I focused on the voices.

"What do you think happened?"

"Not sure, seems pretty bad."

"Do you think she was attacked? The paramedics said they found her by a stop sign."

"Maybe she was just clumsy. It didn't look like someone else did that."

There was laughing. They were laughing at me. What was so funny? I turned my head to see who was talking. Nothing was in my view. "Please stay still," an intercom said. This was louder than the voices, meaning they didn't think I'd here. You could tell the surgeons were getting bored from waiting. I could hear it in their voices. I focused more. They were slightly high pitched. My doctors were girls. I smiled slightly. Though I wasn't sure why.

"So, how'd it go with dean last night?" 

There was a gentle laugh. "Oh, it went great."

"Do tell."

"So he took me to a restaurant. We had a nice dinner then came the fun stuff."


I rolled my eyes, not that they could see. I get they have lives, but right now they were supposed to be focused on me. The conscious, hurt patient. At least it was now rather than later. Now they had time and were waiting. As long as they're not treating me at the same time I was okay with it. Plus I might as well entertain myself.

"Sooo.... What happened next?"

"Well, we went back to my place. There was kissing then we moved to the bedroom. Ooh! Scans are up." She paused. "I'll tell you the rest later."

The other girl laughed. There was a beep then the one who apparently likes gossip said, "You did great, Abigail." There was another beep. Slowly the machine pulled me back. There was a gentle pitter, patter as they approached. Together they lifted me back onto the rolling bed. Occasionally I tugged at the restraints. 

"I'm Dr. Karev. In the scan we saw a brain bleed that needs treatment immediately. While you were unconscious we had gotten more and found a bleed near your tailbone. Which means you need surgery." I recognised the voice as the one involved with Dean. 

"Abigail, I'm Dr. Turner. We have contacted your parents, they should be here soon. Right now we're taking you to prep. After surgery you'll be able to see them. Okay?" Feebly, I nodded. I could hardly move. I felt trapped. Nothing I could do to escape. But I suppose that's good.

The next few hours flew by. Soon enough I was in the O.R. I lay on the table, waiting. Arms spread out. Surrounding me were machines I didn't recognize.  An anesthesiologist sat behind my head. He was tweaking with machines. Near the walls were nurses prepping. After a moment Turner and Karev entered. One at a time they put on long blue things covering their torso. 

"We're going to put you under," Dr. Karev told me. Although it sounded more like a warning. A clear mask like thing was put over my mouth. "Can you count up to ten for me," Dr. Karev said. Nodding, I began.







My voice trailed off. A heavy weight came over me. Before I could say 'Seven' my eyes were shut. I was going into the realm of sleep. 

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