Chapter Twenty-Three

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Pulling a chair towards me, I sit facing the window.  The sun was nowhere in sight yet the sky was illuminated by a purple and dark blue. Clouds scattered across the sky, not quite connecting enough to form a shape. The houses are barely lit by the sun rising behind me.  In my palm, I held his number. I could reach my father so easily but something held me back. It felt like a betrayal. Despite everything my mother has put me through the past month or so, I can't help but feel guilty. 

My phone rested on the window sill. It's screen lit up, beckoning me. Turning away, I looked at my reflection. I didn't see an image of beauty but a stranger. A stranger whose eye bags were so dark you could see them a mile away, hair pulled back into a bun with pieces that fall out. Tearing my gaze away I looked down upon the number. He was in my grasp. But I couldn't tell if I should let him slip away or jump at the chance for some answers and meet my father, a man who didn't even exist until now.

Grabbing my phone, I checked the time. Sighing, I looked at my cookie monster pajamas. I had to get ready. If I was to go to school, I had to start now. Clutching my phone, I turned the screen towards me. Quickly I dialed in the number.

"Hello?" his tired voice answered.

"John," I questioned.


"It's-uh Abigail."

"Ah! Abigail, how are you?"

"Hood, uh, I was wondering if I-uh if we could meet up later?"

"What time are you thinking?"


"So twelve?"


"Don't you have school?"

"Early day."

"Early day? Isn't that after twelve?"

"Early, early day."

"Mmhmm. Alright, see you then."




I hung up just as he attempted to talk. Clutching the phone to my chest, I stood. Dragging my feet, moving barely a foot a minute, I walked towards  my closet. After several minutes, I stood before the door. Swinging it open, I looked inside. Clothes were thrown on the floor, some hung piled onto hangers, few sat on the shelf above. Carefully, I fingered through my shirts. Pulling a black tank top out, I looked it up and down. Shaking my head I released it. I pulled forth a gray short sleeve. Shaking my head once more in disapproval, I let go. 

Groaning, I pulled closer several more shirts, all with the same reaction. After awhile, I pulled out a loose black v-neck. Smiling in approval, I walked to my head. Dropping it on my bed, I walked to my dresser.  Searching through my jeans, I flung several on the ground. Grabbing a pair of distressed jeans, I held it upwards, inspecting it, I smiled. Standing, I slipped out of my cookie monster shorts and struggled into my jeans. Slipping off my shirt, I quickly replaced it with the v-neck. Sighing, I looked in the mirror. It didn't look as good as I imagined, but it'd work. Pulling on some black vans, I grabbed my purse.

Though it was early, I was eager to leave the house. Listening intently, I eased myself out the door. I nodded in approval at the silence. Mother had left. 

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