Chapter Two

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Beep! Beep! Beep! I groaned as my hand slammed against the alarm clock. My hair cascading in front of my face. The cloth encasing the pillow rubbed against my face. Reluctantly I sat up. My room was dimly lit up from the sunlight peeking through the blinds. 

I glanced at my alarm clock. In bright red letters it read 6:55. Good, I still have time.  Taking in a breath, I opened my eyes wide and stood. Feebly I walked towards the blinds. In a single motion I pulled them up. Sunlight flooded the room. 

After half an hour I was dressed and ready. Now I stood before the mirror, analyzing every aspect of me. My black hair cascaded neatly over my shoulders. For a moment I stared into my deep blue eyes. Trying to figure out if they mirrored my emotions. It was a pointless guessing game but I still wondered.

Walking out of my bathroom, I grabbed my bag. "Mom, I'm leaving," I called out as I ran outside. In her car sat Kimberly. Her music was blasting loud as she impatiently tapped the steering wheel. Kimberly's hair was pulled back in a bun so it wouldn't fall as she nodded a long. A smile crept across my face as I sat down besides her. 

I buckled in as she hummed the lyrics. Still absorbed in the music she hadn't noticed I was here. Chuckling, I tapped her. Her body jumped in shock. Eyes widened she looked at me. Her hand was clutching her chest as her other turned down the music. "You nearly gave me a heart attack," she yelled, suppressing a giggle. 

Her cheeks reddened from the slight embarrassment. "Relax," I calmly said pushing her shoulder gently. She smiled as she brought the car to life. Slowly she turned up the music. Her voice belting out each of the words. My eyes stared ahead but I couldn't help glancing at her. Every time I saw her making silly faces a she sang I smiled. 

Rolling my eyes I began to sing a long. The song faded away replaced with "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. Smile widening, I began to sing a long.  "If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" we sang in unison. I couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like if she was mine. Would we lie together and forget the world? Would we be happy? 

I know we're only in high school but maybe this could be forever. That is if she was mine.... I shook the thought from my head. Fast approaching was our high school. The school's purple walls were clearly evident, even from this distant.

"Oh no! Hell is approaching fast," Kimberly exclaimed. Laughing I nodded my agreement. In a matter of seconds we had parked. Grabbing our bags we got out of the car. "And into hell we go," I said with false glee.  "Morning," I said to the staff members at the door. Walking through the doors we headed to our lockers. As I put in the combination, Kimberly nudged me. She did it again, harder this time. "Ayy," I said as I shot daggers from my eyes. 

Rolling her eyes, they darted from me to someone behind me. Sticking my tongue out, I turned. Walking towards us was Joey. "You know he has a crush on you," she whispered in my ear. "Hey," he said as he pushed back his black hair. "Hi," I muttered as I exchanged my books. 

His smile faltered slightly. "Come on. Give the guy a chance," she whispered. Taking in a breath, I turned to him. "What's up," I asked. He stared blankly at me as he fumbled for words. I raised my eyebrow. "I-uh just wanted to say hi," he muttered. Giving me a quick smile he walked off.

"You didn't have to be so rude," Kimberly said. "I wasn't rude," I said. She rolled her eyes. "You crushed that poor boy's confidence. And you know Joey. What you did was not an easy task. You should give him a shot. I know he's a fuckboy but the way he looks at you says something else. You haven't dated a guy since sixth grade! I don't know if it's because you're afraid of getting hurt but give a guy a chance," she told me.

I just shook my head. Slamming my locker shut, I turned to her. "It's not that easy," was all I could say. "How come?" Her eyes pierced into my mine. The words hung in the air for a moment. Shaking my head, I looked at the ground. "I can't it just to complicated," I replied. Her eyes stared at me. They were void of emotion or at least they appear that way. 

"Okay," she said softly. Her voice was barely a whisper. Something about how she spoke stood out. It sounded like disappointment. Like she wanted me to say something. But I don't know what. We stood in silence for a moment. The bell rang loud. Students began filing out towards their classrooms.

Only we remained still. "We should go," I said unsure. "Yeah," she said while nodding. "Yeah." Together we walked towards our first period class. "Hey are you going to the dance on Friday," I asked her. "I thinks so. Are you?" "Definitely," I replied. A smile spread across her features and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Welcome class," our teacher began. I made my way to the back of the room. Joey sat next to me. He flashed me a cocky smile as I faced forward. Perfect, just perfect. I felt his eyes watching my every move. "Look away," I breathed. For a single moment his eyes glanced away. But I felt them return quickly. Groaning I faced him. I couldn't think of words to say to express my annoyment.

Not knowing what to do, I went for the childish option. Scrunching my nose, I stuck out my tongue.

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