Random incomplete chapters and pages.

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WARNING THIS IS INCOMPLETE AND I WILL NOT COMPLETEd IT SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK..... some of the thoughts are incomplete so yeahhh, this is what i found on my computer....

Chapter 6

 Random scenes so it does jump around alot...

(Ash POV)

 "I don't think she's that bad," I said to Gabriel who rolled her eyes at me again, I pouted and kissed her lips.
"I'm sorry but we really need a her for the bills," I explained while looking towards Taylor as she jumped into the pool.
"She likes you," she stated I sighed and pulled her closer to me, I kissed up her neck.
"She's nothing compared to you, you know I wouldn't cheat on you, or look at another woman," I stated she turned in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I grinned and looked directly at her chest that fit perfectly in her bikini.  

"Jesus Ash my eyes are up here," She stated I laughed and nodded taking a brief glance at her face.
"Oh I know, but your lady friends are calling me name," I mumbled kissed her again as she giggled and placed her head on my chest.

"You're so stupid," she muttered I chuckled and squeezed her bottom she swatted my hand away.
"But you love me," she giggled again and looked up at me, kissng my cheek.
"Of course I love you nerd," I rolled my eyes and stood up letting her wrap my legs around my waist.
"I'm the sexiest nerd you know," I grumbled while biting her lip roughly, she laughed and nodded.
Yeah you are the," she screamed as I dropped her in the pool I doubled over laughing as she popped up again with a bright red face and a death glare.
"Ashley Hughes Davis," She screeched, I swallowed and stumbled back before I took off running with my tail between my legs.

(Gabriel POV)

I glared at Ash as she rubbed her red cheek and pouted as I ignored her.

"I'm sorry Gabby I was going to go in with you, but then you got mad at me," she muttered still pouting.
"You left a hand print on my face," she whined still staring at me with puppy eyes, I rolled my eyes and dried my wet hair.

"You shouldn't have dropped me in," she groaned.
"But I like seeing you wet its so sexy," she mumbled more to herself than to me, I blushed as Sean raised an eyebrow at us.

"Shut up Ash," I mumbled as the doorbell rang, she sighed and left out whining about how I was treating her. She knows I don't like swimming on days like today, it wasn't exactly hot outside I mean she should know this we've been dating for almost 3 years now.

"El," My sister screamed I looked up seeing her in Ash's arm she was almost eight now and Ash still babied her but I don't really blame her she hasn't really grown much she was still short which was probably from my moms side seeing as though my mom was five feet and four inches tall.

"Hey Kenzie," I said reaching out for her she hugged me around my neck before going back to Ash with a big smile and faint blush on her cheek. I'm almost positive she has a crush on her. She was always like that around Ash.

"You've gotten so beautiful like a princess," Ash teased making Kenzie's face turn redder than it was. She hid her face in Ash's next muttering a thank you.

Chapter 4

(Ash POV)

I ran down the court dribbling the ball dodging in and out of players. I chuckled as my rival came near me.

"Sorry, Mccoy, but I can't let you take this one," I stated laughing a little as a glare appeared on her face. I could hear the crowd cheering as I maneuvered around her. I could hear Gabriel from the sidelines screaming my name as I went for the lay up. I grinned as I jumped watching the ball swoosh in slowly. The buzzer went off. I smiled as staring at the net, it was finished I was done.

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