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A/N: Kirstie's recent blog was so good also I started my tap solo tonight and it's so hard but what do u do

Update: why does amoxicillin make u feel like vomit if u don't eat that's not cool man


October, two weeks later, Sunday


It's that time.

We've started rehearsing every day now, which makes everything worse.

I get in the car and drive to the hospital.


I check myself in and sit in the oncology waiting room.

Everyone is at rehearsal.

I brought some stuff with me to make me feel better.

I wish my friends were here.

I know our careers are important, though.

I run my hand over the port that was placed in my chest during surgery.


I stand up and go over to the nurse.

"How are you today? Saw that you just had surgery."

I nod. "I did. And I'm fine, thank you."

"That's good. You have a port, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Great! Right this way."

I'm led into a hospital room like the one I was in before.

"This is Nurse Shaw, she will be taking care of you today along with Dr. Wilson."

She leaves the room.

"So we're just gonna go over some stuff..."



"Where's Scott?" Dejan asks.

"Uh... chemo." Kevin says.

"Chemo? Like... for... you guys never tell me these things."

"He's okay... just needs some treatment." Kirstie says.

"Okay, that's good. Alright, well let's just start at the beginning, then..."

I try to pay attention to Dejan but can't stop thinking about Scott.

I mean, I could've missed rehearsal, but it's hard enough when one of us is missing.

I hope he's okay.

Dejan moves me over a little. "Alright, let me write down this formation..."


"Are you ready to begin Mr. Hoying? Your treatment will last around an hour."

I nod.

"Alright. We're just going to start the injection into your port, here. Did all of your questions get answered?"

"Yes." I answer quietly.

The nurse connects the IV to my port and begins the treatment. "Did you come alone today?"

"I did. My friends are at singing rehearsals."

"Oh, I see. Well, there's lots of stuff to do here. We even have animal therapy! We started it with the kids, but adults seem to like it too."

I nod.

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