Skin and Bones.

130 10 0

A/N: only two more days of Driver's Ed and I've at the most gotten five hours of sleep


Are they seriously taking me away from him?

"Right here, sir."

I walk into the room and sit on the table.

My doctor walks in. "Hello, Scott, how are you today?"

"Good, thanks."

"We're going to be doing a prostate examination and an x-Ray. There were some spots on your last scan that looked concerning."

My heart beats a little faster. "Um, okay."

He takes my temperature and does the normal doctor stuff before explaining the exam and stuff.

"Ready? Please lie on your side..."

I internally groan and lie down.

"3, 2, 1..."


"So they stuck something up your-"


I grab Scott's hand and stand up.

We walk back to a small room.

"Good news and bad news today. Good news first?"

He nods.

"The good news is, your prostate examination was clear. The bad news is... We did find bone cancer in your hip."

My breath hitches along with Scott's.

"It is stage II, meaning that we can treat it with the removal of the problem area. You will then be immobile for a small amount of time." He holds up some x-Ray photos.

Scott says nothing, keeping a straight face.

"This means we will need to schedule a removal date, and this needs to be fairly soon."

Scott purses his lips.

I immediately sense the emotion in his face. "So how much will his mobility be affected?"

"That's the fun part, you will most likely be on your feet again the day after surgery! A few days at the most."

I look at Scott. "That's good, right?"

He nods.

"Thank you for coming in today, guys. We just need to schedule our surgery date."

We schedule a date for next week and check out.

Scott walks silently back to the car.

"What's wrong Scotland?" I ask, gently taking his hand in mine.

He turns his head towards the window.

I rub circles in his hand. "It's okay to be sad."

He sniffles. "I want it to be over."

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