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A/N: I normally don't post about these things but I just wanted to do something for all of the attacks the U.S. (And really everyone) has been having. I wanted to just do something about terror not related or exclusive to race, religion, age, gender etc. because I believe that violence isn't exclusive and it's an epidemic that needs to go away.

Also I got a new phone can I get a hallelujah



There are gunshots.

Bullets flying.

Screaming, crying.


Someone is calling out my name.

"Scott! Time to wake up."

My eyes open.

"We're at the hotel."

I yawn. "Thanks."

"No problem. But that breath is." Mitch says and walks away.

I smell my breath and shake my head. Morning mouth.

I get my stuff and head into the hotel with everyone else.

"We need to film Superfruit." Mitch says as he walks into our room.

"What... What do we have going on?" I ask and yawn.

"Just a show, I think. And that's in... 3 hours."

I nod. "What should we do, a Q&A?"

Mitch shrugs. "I guess."

I set up our camera and try to find some lighting.

"I guess this will have to do." I say, opening a window.

Mitch tweets out the Q&A and we get tons of replies within seconds.

I mess around with my phone until Mitch has some tweets picked out.

"Alright, ready?"

"Ready, set, action." I say and vogue for my life.

"Hiiii welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet my name issss... P... Pan. Pan."


"Bread in Spanish." He says.

"Oh, well my name is queso."

"And together we can make lots of wondrous meals."

"Today we're doing a Q&A." I say and roll my eyes.

"It was your idea, honty." Mitch says and opens up Twitter.

"Okay, whatever. First question?"

"Okay, what is the worst argument you've ever been in with each other?"

I laugh. "One time we were arguing over the answer to this trick math question and it got loud."

Mitch smiles. "I remember that."

"I won- Next question!"

"Whatever." He says and shoves me.


"Okay, now for our last question." Scott says.

I scroll through the tweets. "Oh, here's one. What's the most recent dream you had?"

Scott's face kind of drops.

I just ignore it. "I had one a couple of days ago that woke me up, actually. We were on the bus and I had a dream that there was this man and we were at a farm and the guy was like "Wanna ride these horses?" And we agreed."

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