The Beginning. Pt. 2

184 17 12

A/N: sorry for being ghost lmao Spanish got me dead

Special guests in this chapter!

Love u


"Okay... What is it?"

"Your friends just got a call from the hospital. It's almost time to begin your radiation treatments."

I groan. I forgot about those.

"How is that gonna work?"

She shrugs. "I guess you'll just go to whatever hospital is nearest to you. I know this is hard on you, the tour and stuff."

"It's hard, but I love it. Okay... So when do they start?"

"You'll get a phone call. Toodaloo!"

I open my eyes.

Mitch is hovering over me. "Good morning sunshine. We were just gonna tell you that your treatments start soon."

I groan. "What?"

"Your radiation. It starts in a couple days. Esther is trying to get our schedules worked out."

That was fast.

"Oh," I sit up. "That's good I guess. Where are we?"

"We're almost to Georgia."

I get out of bed. "Breakfast?"

"Kirstie made waffles."

I smile and go into the kitchen area. "Good moooooorning."

"Morning, Scott!" Kevin says.

"Morning!" I stretch and wince at the tight feeling on my head.

I massage my scalp to break up some scar tissue.

I grab a waffle and sit on the couch.

"You're not gonna get a plate?" Kevin asks.

I bite my waffle. "No."

Kevin shakes his head. "You're all animals."

Avi comes into the room. "Morning." He says in a very low morning voice.

"Morning." I respond.

Avi sits at the table and looks at his phone.

He gasps suddenly.

"So you guys know Austin from Home Free?" (I AM SORRY I LIVE IN THE SOUTH I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC)

"Yeah why?" I ask, sitting beside him.

"Well, he said that they're in Georgia and want to meet up. They should open for us!"

I wince at his loud excitement.

God, why am I still getting headaches?

"How long till we get there? And yeah, that's a great idea." Kevin says.

Mitch checks his phone. "Only about 30 minutes."

I look at Esther. "Can we do it? The show is tomorrow and I have chemo today."

Esther gives us a tired smile. "I'll see what I can do."

"Love you lots." Avi says.

Mitch latches onto my arm. "Can I come to radiation with you?"

I lay my head on his. "Sure. It only takes about 10 minutes, but I might be sick after and my skin might hurt."

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