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A/N: idk what this is just roll with it okay


"Honey, I'm home!" I call as I walk through the door of my childhood home.

My mother comes running towards the door.

"Hi mom." I laugh as she hugs me.

"Oh, I missed you so much. Your father will be home from work soon. I made you some cookies!"

I set my stuff down. "Thanks, I'm starving."

"So, catch me up on things! How's everything going?" Mom asks, getting me some milk.

"Well, it's been normal.... As always."

"Any new and exciting things with the band?"

I grab a cookie. "Well, we got some news this morning..."

"Was it good?"

I shrug. "We're just going to Australia..."

"Australia? Like on a tour? That's great!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm. "I'm guessing you're gonna join us on tour?"

"Can I be tour mom?"

"Maybe we can have a mom concert, too. Just for all the band moms." I joke.

"Sounds great!" She grabs another cookie. "How's that brain of yours doing? I wish I could've been there for you more, I've just been so busy with my work and-"

"It's okay, mom." I grab her hand. "I do have something to tell you."

She nods. "Well, you know I'm on a lot of meds and some side effects are, like, hallucinations."

"What's this all about?"

"Well, I started seeing this girl in my... Dreams, I guess. And she told me that things were gonna happen, and she was right. And then she..."

"She what?"

"She told me that she was my sister."

The emotion drains from my mother's face.

"Is there something I should know?" I ask softly.

I see tears form in her eyes.

"Are you okay? Mom? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, it's time you knew." She says. "You did have a sister. She was a stillborn... You were supposed to have a twin..."

I feel a wave of emotions come over me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "It's okay, I'm just shocked."

"Now let's talk about these dreams you've been having." She says, obviously wary of the subject of my dead sister.

I nod. "So... You know, the shooting. I had a dream about it. I dreamt it exactly how it happened."

"That... That is strange."

"And, you know, I didn't really believe in angels and ghosts and stuff... So it freaked me out."

My mom just stares at me. "I mean... That's not usual."

"I know."

Her face changes. "Your sister's name was Stella."

I crack a smile. "Maybe now I can tell her that..."

Mom smiles a bit. "I'm sure she'd appreciate it."

"So you believe me?"

She takes my hands in hers. "Of course I do. I know you, Scott."

"Thank you. I told the group already... I think. I can't remember." I laugh.

"I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. And your radiation is over!"

"Me too. Thank you for listening."

"That's what I'm here for. Now what do you want to do? We have all week." She says and puts our plates in the sink.

"I wanna sleep."

She kisses me on the forehead. "Go take a nap. I made your room up for you."

"Okay, love you. Thanks for believing me."

I go upstairs and into my childhood room.

I smile at the old hats hanging on my wall and all of my old sheet music from choir.

I lay on my freshly-made bed and stare at the old ceiling fan that I always hated.

I thought it made me look like a "kid".

I open the little box that's always by my bed and look inside.

There's a pacifier, my first tooth (ew) and two photos.

I flip over the photos and see that they're both ultrasound pictures.

My eyes water at the sight of what could've been my twin sister.

I carefully put the pictures back into the box and change clothes.

I get under the covers and immediately feel panicked.

My chest tightens and my breathing goes uneven.

I pick up my phone and call whoever I come to first.

"Hello? Miss me- Scott?!"

"I- I... Kevin."

"Yes, it's me, what's wrong?"

"I'm- I'm sorry- I called-"

"Are you hurt? I'm in California but I can call someone."

"No..." I feel myself calm down as I start counting in my head. I take a deep breath. "I think I just had a panic attack."

"You sound better now. What happened?"

I sit up in my bed. "I just... I found these ultrasound pictures... Of my sister."

"So she's real?"

"Yes, mom knows now. She told me some stuff."

"That's good. So she died...?"

"Yeah. We were twins."

There's a short pause. "Well I'm glad you found out the right way."


Silence falls again. "My mom's calling me downstairs. Call me back if anything else happens, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Kev."

"No problem. Bye Scott."

I hang up the phone and attempt once again to take a nap.

I close my eyes and curl up into a ball.

"So, she finally told you "

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